Chapter 27

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Umar Ibn Al-Khattab [رضي الله عنه] said:

*‎❝Do not let your love for someone be obsessive and do not let your hatred for someone be destructive.❞*


Ayaan's Point Of View

"Do you think I'll let you guys go scot free?" I asked spitting out blood and they all burst into laughter.

"So what are you going to do? Fight us?" One of the guys asked and they all started laughing again.

"I have Allah..."

"Then what are you waiting for, call him" One of them said but I ignored him.

What hurt most was not the beating but the fact that I haven't been able to observe my Salah for the past one week.

The door open and my uncle walked in. Immediately all the guys got up and bow to him.

"Start" He said sitting down and they all walked towards me each grabbing their wire. At first I thought it was ordinary wire only for me to realized that it was covered with pins. This is what I've been taking for the past one week, few drops of water per day and a spoon of half cooked or spoilt rice.

"Ahhh" I screamed the moment they started hitting me.

It went on for the next thirty minutes. The door opened and my dad barged in with some of his men. Catching my uncle unprepared, they shot all his men including Michael leaving my uncle alone.

"MATROUD!!!" My uncle yelled pulling out his gun but before he could fire, dad shot his hand making him dropped his gun and wince in pain.

"So you're not even strong" My dad said picking up my uncle's gun and throw it to one of his men.

"It took me just thirty minutes to clear up all your men" He said sitting on the chair that was once occupied by my uncle.

A stack of papers were handed over to dad and he tossed it towards my uncle.

"Sign them all" He said but my uncle refused telling me he can't do anything. Dad pressed the gun to his head and tell him to do so.

I watched his hand travelled to his pocket unknowingly to dad and the moment I opened my mouth to speak, I was stopped by the sound of a gunshot.

Blood gushes out of my mouth and my hands travelled to my head which was just shot. My son, that was the first thing that came to my mind as my eyes started closing.

"AYAAN" Dad yelled and at the same time started shooting my uncle not caring if he sign the documents or not. He ran towards me and untie me from the chair.

"Ayaan. Stay with me okay. Aaryan will soon be here please stay with me"

"My son M.isk..iyy..ah" I muttered and finally my eyes shut with the words 'Laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahu Muhammad Rasullullahi Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Salam' rolling off my tongue.


Miskiyyah Point Of View

"Are they back?" I asked for the upteenth time and Dhikra shook her head.

Aaryan called me two days ago saying that his father is ready to help alongside the police. They've successfully tracked down where they are. Yesterday around 5 in the evening, Aaryan called saying they've rescued him and that he will be home this evening. I even said I wanted to speak with him but he said he needed a lot of rest so I decided to wait till today.

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