Chapter 16

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Back to Miskiyyah's P.O.V

He never care about me and all of the sudden he thinks he can have a say about anything I do.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see Dhikr.
"Dhikrullah" I called sitting up on the bed. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Is something wrong with Dhikra?" I bombarded him with questions and he shook his head.
"I can't sleep" He said and I let out a relief sigh.
"What of Dhikra?"
"She asleep after I read the Qur'an to her. I read two juz before she slept off but I couldn't sleep" He said. I tapped the empty space beside me and he lay down on the bed before I cover him with the duvet.
"He's really angry ukhty, I don't know what happened" Dhikrullah said as I hugged him to my chest.
"Forget about that for now and sleep" I said patting his head and I started humming a chapter of the Qur'an.

It took thirty minutes before he could fell asleep. I kissed his forehead before placing his head on the pillow. I stood up from the bed and head downstairs taking the tray of my untouched food alongside. I reheat the food before sitting down on the kitchen island to eat. I was in the middle of eating when Ayaan walks in.
"As Salam Alaykum" He greeted walking towards the freezer and I mumbled my reply. He sat down before he started drinking his water. Who drink cold water during harmattan? I rolled my eyes before going back to my food.

"We need to talk" He said and I dropped the spoon before turning to him.
"Why Isma'il of all people? I was there yet you didn't bother asking me to make you fall asleep. Miskiyyah is that how it's supposed to be? You as....."
"And when did you start caring about me!?" I snapped cutting him in. "Tell me when did you start caring about me. I know this is a contract marriage but still a little respect and care is all I need from you. And why should I ask for your help from someone I want to start hating. Someone that doesn't care about my dreams and happiness. I know you hate me so much so stop pretending, I know all your wish for me is for me to die so you can be alone. Don't worry, I'm waiting for the remaining weeks to come and go so I can divorce you, so that I can finally be free, so that I get married to someone who will love me, cherish me, someone who will never hurt me. Someone who will never make me cry like you always do, someone who will understand both my spoken and unspoken words. Someone who will care about my dreams and happiness, someone who will treat me like a queen and make me feel like one, someone who will love me as I am, someone that will like my likes and dislike my dislikes, someone who will appreciate the little effort I made, someone who will help me build a house in Jannah. You've never being all this but still i regard you as my husband but what did in return is shatter my dreams and heart. I hate you Ayaan. You're a monster!" I said tears rolling down my eyes. I turned to leave but he pulled me back taking my face in his palms.
"Miskiyyah. Listen to once before you start hating me. Yeah I agree with you, I'm a monster. A monster that had broken your heart. A monster that doesn't care about you, a monster that call himself your husband yet still hurt you and make you cry everyday. Miskiyyah I had done a lot of things to you that is uncalled for. Please Miskiyyah this monster is asking for your forgiveness. Wallahi I promise Miskiyyah I'll change, I will start cherishing you, I'll start making up for everything I've done to you. Miskiyyah what you don't know is that you've make this monster whose emotions had been erased years ago to fall in love with you. Miskiyyah I love you from the bottom of my heart. Please forgive me and I promise I won't leave you. You're beautiful in and out, pious, loving, caring, God fearing and most important you're GORGEOUS Miskiyyah so please give me a chance. Please for Allah's sake. I mean everything I'm saying to you, I'm not pretending" He said and I just stare at him eyes widened and jaw dropped.
"I know all what you've been doing to my mum. Mama personally asked me to keep you. Everyone I love loved you Miskiyyah and how do you expect me not to fall in love with this special soul. You're a treasure that is supposed to be kept safe and cherish. Give me the chance Miskiyyah. Give me the chance to prove my love to you. Even if the contract marriage end I won't divorce you Miskiyyah. Miskiyyah" He called coming closer. I closed my mouth before removing his hands from my face. "Miskiyyah" He called again but I ignored him and ran out of the kitchen leaving my food. I went straight to my room trying to register the meaning of those words. No... No he can't love me. I know I've fallen in love with him but he can't. We can't be together, we can't.

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