Chapter 17

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"Where are we going?" I asked as I noticed him going to another direction.
"It's a surprise" He said smiling but I just shook my head and decided to keep quiet.

After a thirty minutes drive he parked the car in front of a five star restaurant. We got down and he rushed to my side. He stretched his hand in front of me and I stared at it for a while before placing my hand on it. He smiled before interlocking our hands. We both walk into the restaurant and immediately a waitress lead us to the rooftop. The rooftop left me aww-ed. It was beautifully decorated with red balloons and candle lights. Roses are spread everywhere including on the table and chair. At a corner of the rooftop is a mattress with two pillows and was covered with net

 At a corner of the rooftop is a mattress with two pillows and was covered with net

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"Why are we here?" I asked coming out of my trance.
"What does it look like. For dinner of course. Sorry I wasn't that romantic so I took ideas from Aaryan and Leeanah" Ayaan said scratching the back of his head shyly and I burst into laughter.
"You're shy" I said and he shrugged. He move a chair for me to sit and I do before he went to the chair opposite to me.
We ordered for our food and the waitress excused herself.
"Give me your hands" He said placing his two hands on the table and I placed mine on his.
"Why do you like wearing a lot of rings?" He asked as he removed my hand gloves.
"Just like keeping all my fingers occupied " I said. I was wearing a simple but nice rings on all my fingers except my ring finger which had my wedding and engagement rings.
"Miskiyyah" He said caressing the back of my hands with his thumbs.
"I want us to start from the beginning. Let's use this whole night to know each other starting from the basics. Our name, likes and dislikes and other things like that. Okay?" He asked and I stared at him for a while before nodding. Maybe I should give it a try.


Sometimes when you went through a lot you'll believe your problem is higher than that if others. I thought my case is the worst not knowing his case is the worst. Sometimes you believe you are in a worst condition but when you see the condition others are they you will say 'Alhamdulillah' that your condition is better than theirs. Tonight I saw the vulnerable sides of Ayaan. That side I've never seen in him before.

I looked down at his sleeping face and I smile. After eating, we had moved to the mattress where he had told me his past. He had cried himself to sleep with his head on my laps. I placed my hands on his face and start touching every inch of his face with my hands. He's really handsome and to be sincere, I've never find someone as handsome as he is. I let out a huge sigh and picked up my phone. It's almost midnight but Ayaan isn't ready to wake up.

"Ayaan" I called tapping on his cheek.
"Five more minutes, Qalby. It's been years since I slept this peaceful." He said and I smile.
"So I make you sleep peacefully?" I asked.
"We should go home. It's almost midnight and Dhikr might be having difficulty in sleeping. I have to recite to him" I said and he groaned but nevertheless still stand up. He stood up and also help me up. I wear my gloves which he took off the other time. We left the rooftop and he went to settle the bills before coming back towards me. We head to the parking lot and he opened the door for me. I smile before getting in.
"Start getting used to it from now on" He said and I nod.

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