Chenford + Catching angel with a boy

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Tim walked through the door in the early afternoon one of the rare times he had clocked off early. usually angel would greet him at the door with a hug to know her father was still alive

tim had a curious look on his face lucy didn't see as she was relaxing on the couch with matthew tim moved around the kitchen for a juice then asked his wife

"Hey, Lucy, have you seen our daughter? I haven't seen her since she got home from school."

" No, I haven't seen her either. She's probably in her room doing homework or something. Let me go check."

lucy made a noise then she did realize she hadn't seen her daughter since she did get home. she caught angel for quick second until she went upstairs which was 2 hours ago

This then made Tim and Lucy confused so they quickly walked upstairs and into their daughter's room and quietly opened the door, only to find their daughter making out with a boy.

as angel was so engrossed with making out with a boy she didn't even see her parents in her doorway

Tim leaned over to Lucy as whispered while his eyes were still on his 16 year old daughter " Lucy, look at that! Our daughter is... making out with a boy!" as he said the last part quite loudly.

when angel was born lucy vowed never to be like her mother so she turned to tim to try calm him down " I can't believe this! We need to handle this delicately. Let's take a deep breath and stay calm for now let's just gently walk back out "

They step back quietly and close the door, trying not to disturb them. Now that the door was closed, Tim talked to Lucy in a hushed voice so his daughter wouldn't hear them. " We need to talk to her about this, but we have to approach it carefully. We don't want to embarrass her or make her feel judged." he also vowed when angel was born to never be like his father

Lucy agrees with what he says "You're right. We should give her some privacy for now. When she's finished, we'll have a calm conversation with her about boundaries and expectations."

" We need to let her know that we're here to support and guide her, but we also have to establish some ground rules regarding relationships." tim told lucy in a very t.o voice to lay down the rules for his daughter

"Definitely. We'll approach this with love and understanding. Remember, she's growing up, and it's natural for her to explore her emotions." lucy wanted her daughter to feel comfortable and always come to her for anything

" Yes, you're right. Our little girl is becoming a young woman. Let's give her the space she needs for now, and we'll handle this together when the time is right" tim said smiling at lucy his wife was always right

lucy could hear tim thoughts thinking that he wasn't a good father 

a good enough father to handle this more better as she squeezed his hand

" We've got this, Tim. We'll navigate this new chapter in our daughter's life together, just like we always have."

his wife was a wise one

They exchange a reassuring smile, knowing that open communication and understanding will help them guide their daughter through this experience.

as they walked down the stairs hand in hand as tim said " that boy better not break her heart " 

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