Chenford birthday celebration #2 Tim's birthday

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Lucy plans a surprise birthday celebration for Tim and reveals it by giving him a Dodgers jersey; she includes tickets to a Dodgers game, which happens to be scheduled on Tim's birthday.

Tim and Lucy spend the day building anticipation for the game. Tim decked out all in his Dodger gear while Lucy borrowed one of his shirts that sent him into a spiral. They wear their Dodgers gear

Tim and Lucy head to the Dodgers stadium early and soaking in the environment around them and energy of the pre-game festivities. They join the crowd, enjoying the buzz of excitement and engaging in friendly conversations with fellow Dodgers fans.

Tim and Lucy find their seats in the stadium, ready to cheer on the Dodgers. They immerse themselves in the game, cheering for their favorite players, high-fiving other fans, and savoring every exciting play. They enjoy the thrill of being part of a live sporting event and share their passion for the Dodgers


After the game finished they were driving back home when the couple stopped at in and out by tims request Lucy surprises Tim with a Dodgers-themed birthday cake

Reflecting on the Day:

On their way home, Tim reflected on his birthday with Lucy birthdays for him that were never fun as a child. His mother tried the best she could but his dad never tried. Tim celebrated a few good birthdays with Isabel and wasn't with Rachel or Ashley enough to celebrate his birthday. So in a while this was Tim's favorite celebration he'd ever had.

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