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You guys are such a cutuuu..
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Let's get into the story.

Lakshmi's POV

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Lakshmi's POV.
I looked at Rishi getting ready to meet malishka. I wonder he had ever put that much efforts when he met me. I really feel so unworthy sometimes. He had always treated me like a burden now he treats me like his responsibility of course he has too . I am his baby carrier so he will. I wish I wouldn't have heard his talk with kiran aunty that day. She was really furious on finding out about the baby no wonder karishma aunty called her. Sometimes I think karishma aunty prefers kiran aunty over neelam aunty. Well understanding oberoi's is just like understanding organic chemistry..


Kiran: Rishi do u really love my daughter or now u love Lakshmi please clear it out..

Rishi: aunty it's not what it seems like.

Kiran: so what is it? It's fine u want to stay with Lakshmi stay with her. But just tell me why did you waste my daughters time why rishi whyyyyy.

Rishi: aunty whatever happened between me and Lakshmi was not at all out of love Or something we were out of our senses and it happened in the heat of the moment. But I can't punish an unborn child for this and when that's mine I can't even think of such.

Kiran: so what will happen u will have two wives or malishka will be your illegitimate girlfriend.

Rishi: no aunty nooo... After this baby is born it's on Lakshmi's choice if she leaves the baby with me I and malishka will raise it after our marriage but if Lakshmi takes it with her I will get permission from the court to meet the baby atleast once a week. It's all fixed. I just need malishka to understand about my innocence I have the proofs with me.. But I need to care of Lakshmi till then she has our baby and she's into this because of me. She is my best friend and I care for and love her as a friend.
She has done nothing wrong but she is stuck in this.

Flashback ends..

Lakshmi's PoV
From that very moment all the love and care I had for him turned into hatred. He has always ruined things by himself and blamed others for it. I pray my baby doesn't get even 1 percent of what his father is. He played me and malishka both. But well they both deserve each other but definitely not my baby. I had left my MBA in the last semester and hopefully my university accepted my previous semester results and admitted me in the final batch. Which will be over in 6 months which means I will have 2 extra months to find a job til my baby comes in this world. Rishi left..I was in my thoughts when suddenly a sharp pain shot my stomach. It hurts like hell. I called ahana who called the doctor and then called my husband oh well he might not be here coz he went to malishka.. I could not bear the pain anymore and I passed out in ahana's arms who was calling me for response..

Pov ends.

Rishi sent ayush to take malishka and
came back to the oberoi mansion. He met Dr. Priya on his way.

Rishi: Dr. How's she doing. I hope it's nothing serious

Doctor: Mr. Oberoi  she is fine right now but I am not really sure till when she will be.

Rishi: why?.. Umm.. Are the reports..

Doctor: I am not sure I have taken her blood samples. I will get the reports next week. Make sure u visit me. Till then take  care

Rishi went inside  and saw lakshmi sleeping on the bed. Ahana was still by her side. Rishi gestured ahana to leave as he will be here. She left.

Rishi held Lakshmi's hand and intertwined his fingers with hers and looked at her pale yet beautiful face. She had a calm expression on her face. Rishi rested his face on the side of the bed and he dozzed of to sleep.

It's evening

Lakshmi woke up and she saw rishi. He was holding her hand and resting his face on the side of the bed. He looked tired. Lakshmi felt bad for him. She carefully laid him on the bed and covered him with a duvet. And went back to her study table.

Ahana came to check up on them:hey bhabhi..

Lakshmi: shhh quietly. Rishi is sleeping.

Ahana whispers: oh sorry.... How are you now bhabhi?

Lakshmi: I am fine what did the doctor say?

Ahana: she said she will get some tests done. And soon after her Rishi bhai came in rushing.

They heard karishma passing by apologising to someone.

Lakshmi knitted her  eyebrows.

Ahana: are bhabhi you don't worry bhai ditched malishka for you so she's ranting now.

Lakshmi: what!??

Ahana: Aree I called bhai to tell about you so he sent ayush to pick up malishka and rushed back home for you. So now she's overreacting.. And she rolled her eyes.

Lakshmi thought: so he chose me over malishka...?!   Nooo how  could he. He chose his baby over malishka... Off course he loves his baby.

It's been an hour.

Rishi woke up and found Lakshmi wearing her airpods and studying. She was making notes and she wore glasses as she was working for quite long on the screen and she didn't wanted to have permanent spectacles on her eyes. Her hair tied in a loose bun. Rishi got out of the bed.

Rishi: hey what are you upto?

Lakshmi :what? I am studying

Rishi: u should rest. . U just fell sick in the morning.

Lakshmi:but now I am fine.

Rishi: no you are not.

Lakshmi: I am fine Rishi..

Rishi: prove it.

Lakshmi: are you crazy?!

Rishi: if you are okay then... Then wait I am coming back in few mins.

Rishi left. And came back with vegetable soup.

Rishi: here have this soup if you are okay.

Lakshmi: why?

Rishi: see u are not okay..

Lakshmi: okay stop u are tooo immature. I will have it.

Lakshmi had her soup and rishi smiled.