café havoc [15]

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This is so stupid

Fucking stupid.

Tōru stomped around his room like a small child throwing a tantrum.

He had coincidently walked the same path as you and Iwaizume early in the night, seeing both of yours conversation and boy was he livid.

Why didn't they invite me?

She was smiling with him.
That's not okay, really, it's not good at all.

He assumed todays earlier situation would continue on bothering Iwaizume and eventually that would form a barrier between the two of you. Which he would gladly take advantage of.

But no, you two somehow, in an unspoken manner, managed to fix it all. He felt very irritated.

About a week and a half had passed since your infamous 98% test day situation and every single day after, you had gone out to 'study' with Iwaizume.

Really your study sessions were you two goofing around and wrecking havoc in the cafe shop. You two were really enjoying it all.

But one person had really negative emotions towards these sessions. Tōru would occasionally, daily, follow you two and watch you for some time after practice.

He would sit bitterly behind the tree across the cafe shop, digging his nails into the stump while mumbling out ill wishes towards his friend.

He would obsessively observe you two and occasionally even follow you home.

Really 'occasionally' meant everyday, but Tōru didn't like putting it that way. It made him sound obsessed in his head.

And Tōru wasn't obsessed, he was simply butt hurt over the fact that his two friends excluded him, or so he told himself.

His final straw was Thursday morning when he swiftly made his way over to Iwaizume's classroom to enjoy his lunch with the others, like he did every other day, to only find it empty.

He messaged Iwaizume yet got no response. Then he messaged Matsukawa, who, rather quickly, replied to his question of their whereabouts with a:

Y/n and Aki's classroom

Tōru rushed over to said room and found Iwaizume sitting right up next to your desk.

Right where he would normally sit and breathe in your air and presence.

That sure pissed him off.

And so he knew he had to do somthing about this whole bond growing between you and Hajime. He wasn't going to allow Iwaizume to take his friend, no way.

Expectantly, Oikawa was pretty distracted all throughout practice that day. Which sure pissed off the other third years due to the reasoning that a tournament was approaching.

He was so troubled as to how he could fix this problem.

Practice was over almost in a flash for the boy. He spotted Iwaizume by the gym doors after they somewhat finished cleaning up.

"Hey Iwa-Chan, you ready to go?" Oikawa walked over to his friend, Iwaizume was grabbing his bags.

He looked up at him, a somewhat startled look on his face. "Oh man, actually, y/n and I agreed to go eat out after practice was over," he informed, "sorry I forgot to tell you."

Oikawa furrowed his eyebrows.


"Well," he looked around the gym, a hint of sass to his voice, "where is she then?"

"She's in the library, I told her I'd go get her once practice was over." Iwaizume steadily scurried over to the gym doors, "I should probably hurry up and go now, I'll see you later," he waved and rushed out the doors.

What the hell
This makes three days in a row, just this week.

This isn't okay.

He fumbled with his hand as he pulled out his phone from his bag.

are you home yet?

I'm at the library with y/n!
Actually she's leaving right now
What's up?

I'll go get you in a bit!


I can't let Iwa-Chan take her from me.

friends | yandere tōru oikawaWhere stories live. Discover now