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Cassie looked around at the whites and silvers of the alien space ship and couldn't believe how clean it was. It had been stuck underground for most likely a century or more and there was not an inch of dust and mould. Humans could learn a thing or two. "How are we meant to find this 'arcturian' when we don't even know how this spaceship works." Cassie resist the urge to press a thousand buttons in fear that it would cause the spaceship and the three of them with it to explode.

"I don't know but look at this! It must be some sort of old map maybe it'll lead us to it." Kaz gleamed thinking he had just lead them in the right direction.

Skylar peered over his shoulder, "that's a game of tic tac toe."

"Oh." Kaz pulled out a pen and finished the game, feeling victorious even if it was a clear win.

"Im getting really bad vibes here guys." Cassie said, she stepped backwards and bumped into a wall knocking a series of red buttons. They all turned a brighter shade and a hatch opened up. "Guys...." Cassie said shakily as she pulled out a glass pyramid and inside it held a pink orb with an infinity symbol. "Is that like-"

"The tattoo's Mr. Terrors henchmen have." Kaz finished her sentence.

"That's kinda weird right?"

"Yeah it is."

Cassie began to hear thudding from the hatch, "do you guys hear that?"

"Here what?"

"That thudding sound, Kaz, check the hatch." Cassie asked, Kaz moved over to the hatch and tried to push it up, it only moved millimetres, and when it did move dirt fell onto the pearly white floor. This made Cassie feel sad that something so clean got ruined so easily by three stupid teenagers.

"I think one of mr terrors henchmen are up there filling the hole back up."

"What why??"

"Maybe so they can suffocate us to death then come in take the arcturian then leave again."

"Well personally i think that's slightly rude but okay." Cassie said. "I'll try to get us out of here" Cassie focused all her energy, imagining the dark space she teleports to. She imagined the stars, the feeling of weightlessness, the crisp cold air that surrounds her. The sparks of lilac and blue. A little hole began to open but then collapsed.

"Cas are you sure you've got this? You've used your powers a lot and..."

"There's no other choice Kaz.. unless you know how to operate an alien spaceship?"

"..continue." Kaz agreed reluctantly. He knew she was right that there was no other choice but he didnt know what the consequences would be. She could send herself into a coma or worse or better. He was scared and confused and just wanted her to be okay. He looked down at her hand that was shaking in fear. He knew she was thinking the same way, and so long as she was she wouldnt be able to open her portal. Kaz reached down and held her hand. Their fingers intertwined and grasped tightly.

Cassie felt this feeling of calm wave over her. The feeling of Kaz holding her, a feeling that she longed for but still didn't want to admit. Things felt easier, colours of lilac and blue became brighter. Another portal opened, bigger and brighter than before, she walked through pulling kaz with her and skylar followed.

They came out at mighty med, kaz and Cassie were still holding hands, as the portal closed Cassie felt weak.  She moved in closer to kaz and he held her. It was only for a moment as she caught her breath but to both of them it felt like an eternity. For the first time since Cassie's parents had died she felt safe and happy. The way she felt sipping iced lemonade and playing in her garden with her sibling. Things felt normal.

But alas, all good things must come to an end.  Their little embrace quickly ended when Oliver came rushing in. "Guys we need to find a safe space for the arcturian before supervillains sense its power and come for it."

"Jeez Oliver thanks for the obvious" Cassie said quietly as she quickly moved off of Kaz.

"Why do i have to do all the work, i think you really over look my laziness" kaz said as he slumped into a chair.

The rest of their conversation became a blur to Cassie, there was something about extensions and a sleeping man but the details weren't there. Cassie was still light headed from all of her power usages but there was a faint lingering of a small power still being used. There wasn't something quite right. There was a faint scent from Oliver, it wasn't distinguishable but it was there. Almost like damp and metal wires. 'Strange' she thought but tried to shrug it off as her powers slightly malfunctioning from all of its use.

The next thing she knew kaz had placed his hand on her shoulder "I'll see you at Oliver's mum wedding yeah?, then we can discuss a strategy?"

Cassie placed her hand on top of his, "ill see you then."

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