The End

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Cassie had spent the last two hours sleeping, she had woken up to over a dozen messages from Kaz about the arcturian and how he'd lost it, found it, battled villians, tried to launch it into the sun, then lost it again. Cassie was so overwhelmed with all the information and the fact she'd missed out and wasn't there to help prevent this. But there was nothing she could do. She had 20 mins to get ready for the wedding which she promised she'd go to. They'll find the arcturian later... she hoped.
Cassie threw on a silver silk strapped dress that came down just passed her knee with a slit in one of sides. Her hair was up in a half up half down messy bun. She decided to wear minimal makeup, a little silver eyeshadow and mascara, and then left.

Cassie walked up to the hotel and saw Kaz standing outside in his black suit. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight. She hated herself for catching feelings, she hated herself more because of what it meant. She was getting close to someone, and to her that only meant one thing.. he'd die and leave her too. And it would be her fault.
She shook off the horrid dread she felt for loving him and put on a smile as she approached.

Kaz on the other hand felt nothing but glee at the sight of her. She looked beautiful, she always did to him, but he had never seen her in this way before, all dolled up. He was in awe. As she approached kaz' heart began to race. He always tried to come across as this cool savvy guy but really he was a mess when it came to girls he actually liked.

Cassie could hear Kaz's heart beat and some of that dread started to disappear. He liked her too.

"Hey" kaz started, "you look.. wow"

"Not so bad yourself" Cassie smirked, "are Oliver and Skylar already inside?" She asked.

"Yeah, c'mon ill take you up."

They made it upstairs to the hotel room where everyone was getting ready. Olivers mum had come in and started collecting phones. "Who are you two??" She questioned skylar and Cassie.

Skylar protested that she had come as a friend to Oliver and nothing more, stinging Oliver. His mum looked over at Cassie.

"Oh I'm.."

"This is Cassie, my date." Kaz finished, being cocky and confident, but inside he was panicking Incase he had overstepped.

In that moment, Cassie was incredibly happy no one had superhearing because her heart was beating like crazy. "Yeah.. I am." Cassie said quietly as she reached out and held his arm.

"Well, you poor soul. But we are happy you are both here. Even if its with Kaz." Olivers mum said as she left the room.

"Wow, she knows my name." Kaz gleamed.

A phone began to ring out in the hotel room, Oliver grabbed it "its Morts phone it must be from Mr. Terror." The dial ended.

"Maybe he will leave a message?" Kaz suggested, skylar began to bully him on how thats very unlikely.

"There's a message!" Oliver shouted. They played it out. The threatening message asked for Oliver to be folded like a taco.

They all agreed, other than skylar to call back. Olivers mum walked in with her phone ringing claiming it was one of her employees.. Mort, then walking away again.

There was a lingering smell that arrived from Oliver's mums presence... "damp and metal wires." Cassie's voice broke.

"We just find out that Olivers mum is Mr. Terror and thats what you say??" Skylar shouted.

Cassie's face went pure white, "Cas, what's wrong? What does damp and wires mean?"

Cassie's voice was still shaky, "when we had teleported away from the spaceship back to mighty med and met Oliver... there was this faint smell on him, the smell of a villain, the smell of something like damp and metal wires. I shrugged it off, because there was no way Oliver was a villain... but i just smelt it again then. I should've said something. I knew it wasn't right and I didn't say anything."

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