★彡01|10 - "I tried to fix a dress once but I just pricked my finger."彡★

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After a while of just sitting in silence, Carlos went back to train with Ben and Y/n went to look for Lonnie. She found the girl in their shared room, doing homework, and discovered, with a fright, that she should most likely do the same.

That's when the girl realized that Auradon Prep was a much more school-y school than she'd imagined. There was always work to do, always a bunch of papers that needed to be submitted, always things that were being graded.

Thus, Y/n was actually surprised when, a week and a half or so later in the courtyard after finishing an essay for Auradon's political history, she realized that she had nothing to do. Her first thought was to go and find Carlos because she'd started hanging out with him more and more during breaks and free periods. Then she remembered that Carlos was currently having one last practice with Ben before the upcoming game and, therefore, could not hang out with the girl.

Y/n thought for a moment before realizing that she hadn't properly bonded with her roommate in a while, either. So she went to look for her.

When she turned the corner to the hallway where their dorm was, she saw the girl disappear behind a corner. Obviously, she followed her.

Y/n lost sight of her roommate but there was a door open and she heard her voice drift into the hallway.

"...you think you could do mine?"

"Why would I do that for you?"

Y/n peeked into the room, identifying the speaker. Mal.

"I'll pay you fifty dollars?" Lonnie suggested.

"For what?" Y/n cut in.

"Oh, I want my hair done like Jane's," Lonnie said, not surprised by her roommate's appearance, as she nodded to the girl who was awkwardly standing by one of the bed posts.

Y/n nodded to Jane who nodded back as a greeting. Her hair really is different... Wonder how I didn't notice that any earlier.

"Good answer," Evie piped in, standing up as she grabbed the pouch. "I need to buy more material. Let's see... I'm thinking we lose the bangs, maybe some layers and some highlights."

"Yeah, yeah," Lonnie shrugged Evie off. "I want it cool. Like Mal's."

"Really?" Evie asked compassionately. "The split ends, too?"

Mal made a face before groaning, rolling herself off the bed and grabbing a book.

A spell book, Y/n quickly realized.

"Okay..." Mal leaned against her bedpost. "Beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair." She moved her hand and Lonnie's head moved, too, her hair growing longer and lighter in color.

Y/n stood, gaping, as Lonnie went to a mirror with Evie on her tail. "I know, I know, it looks like a mop on your head," Evie comforted. "You know what, let's cut it off, layer it—"

"No, no, no, no!" Lonnie refused. "I love it."

"You do?" Evie asked.

"It's just..." Lonnie trailed off, before ripping her skirt. "Now I'm cool."

"Like ice," Mal added.

Y/n raised her eyebrows in concern. "Lonnie, maybe you should get some sleep."

The people in the room ignored her and Jane walked over to the mirror, ripping her dress. "What did I just do?" she asked, horrified. "Mom's gonna kill me!"

Y/n shrugged, finally stepping into the room. "Say it got stuck on a door handle or something. I broke my clothes all the time back home but never took the blame."

"Yeah, I'll do that," Jane breathed. "Thanks, Y/n."

"No problem," Y/n nodded before grabbing her roommate's shoulder. "Come on, Lonnie."

"Yeah, I have to go," Lonnie realized. "I promised to meet Mrs. Smith so I could redo my math test!"

Lonnie sped out of the room. Jane looked around. "I should probably go find mom," she said, quivering.

Thus, Y/n was left alone in the room with Evie and Mal. Her eyes searched the room for a conversation topic and landed on a dress that was beside a sewing machine. "Did you make that?" she gasped, fingering at the even stitches and flexy fabric.

"Yeah, of course," Evie nodded. "I make all my clothes."

"Really?" Y/n asked, baffled. "That's so cool." She paused for a second, contemplating her next sentence. "I tried to fix a dress once but I just pricked my finger."

Evie laughed softly. "I could make you a few, if you wish."

Y/n's eyes widened. "Yes, please! If you don't have anything better to do, of course."

Then she remembered something and turned to Mal. "Was that magic just now?"


"Woah," she breathed. "I've never seen it in action but my mom's told me about the witch that made the pie that cursed grandma Eleanor."

Mal raised a brow at the girl.

"Sorry," she smiled bashfully. "I should probably get going, too. Leave you to your devices..."

She backed out of the room and straight into Carlos. Her cheeks flushed, probably with embarrassment. "Sorry. Hi, Carlos." Then she turned around, walking down the hall, giving the boy a small wave. "Bye, Carlos."

"Bye..." Carlos breathed, his cheeks flushing for some reason, too.

He entered the girls' room where Mal raised a brow at him. "You sick or somethin'?"

"No, no, I'm... I'm alright," Carlos said, shaking his head to clear it. What's going on with me today?

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