★彡02|11 - "Then it's a deal."彡★

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"It's still a no, Y/n."

The girl bristled at the response to her request. "Why not, mum? I can't see how I help the political situation cooked up here, when I could be there, spending time with Ben — who's the king and therefore my future ally, if everything goes great."

"It's still not safe, Y/n," Merida sighed. "You were attacked by villains the last time you were there."

"It won't happen again!" the girl exclaimed. "You of all people should understand my longing for freedom."

Merida was suddenly thrown into her childhood, where her mother said those same words to her, You have a responsibility to your people. With a sigh, she smiled at her own daughter, something changing in her blue eyes. "Alright... But you can't go until you find someone trustworthy to go with you."

Y/n, who'd just become quite excited, deflated a bit, falling into thought. Then, she snapped her fingers. "What about Asher? He's trustworthy — you've known him for long, as have I; he's my friend... And hasn't he been training with the other recruits to become part of the royal guard?"

Merida fell into thought. Indeed, the son of Alice had, although born in Wonderland, been true to the North. So much so that during the escalating conflict, he'd volunteered to become a soldier if needed, being the waymaker for a wider wave of young men and teenagers that wanted to train to become a part of the army or the royal guard someday.

Humming, the queen of the North nodded. "If he's alright with it."

Y/n beamed. "I'll go talk to him right away!"


"Yeah, there's absolutely no way, princess," the blond mused, sheathing his sword.

"What? Ash, please," Y/n frowned.

The son of Alice frowned, his light blue eyes piercing into the girl's e/c ones. "Y/n, you're my best friend and as your best friend, I can't let you throw yourself into danger."

"That's why you're coming along," the princess reasoned. "Mum wouldn't let me go alone but she trusts you enough to let me go if you come along."

Asher mulled over the opportunity, a brow raised at Y/n. "And what do I get out of it?"

"Friends? Respect? Honour?" Y/n proposed, saying what came to mind. "I could probably get you a free pass in the kitchen once we come back."

Asher chuckled, putting a hand out. "Then it's a deal." In truth, he would've gone anyway because Y/n a) was a good friend of his and b) could've ordered him to, but he just wanted to milk the opportunity for something more fun if he could.

With that, arrangements started to be made. Queen Merida was quick to organise everything and talk with Fairy Godmother, as was needed. She also made sure to tell the headmistress of Auradon Prep not to tell the kids from the Isle of the Lost of Y/n's arrival, as per the girl's request.

Of course, Y/n and Asher were mostly busy packing and studying, as they were to leave in a week's time, but the princess still found time to wander onto the ground floor of the castle, knocking at a heavy wooden door.

A moment later, it opened, revealing Arthur. "Your Highness, what a surprise," he greeted, secretly delighted to see the girl again. They'd grown quite close in the time they'd spent in hiding.

"Hi, Arthur," Y/n grinned. "You have a moment?"

"Sure, what can I help you with?" the man asked, stepping out of the room.

"I was wondering if you could spar with me for a minute."

The man's brows raised at the request but he complied nonetheless, soon handing the girl a decently-weighted sword.

Y/n grinned. "En garde."

The swords clashed, Y/n jumping over Arthur's next swing and landing a bit further, taking a jab of her own. Arthur backed up, the sword in his right hand glinting as he raised it in the sunny courtyard.

However, the fight was interrupted by a rather familiar young voice. "Hey there," Thomas greeted, swaying his head so his bangs would leave his eyes. "I heard the news."

Arthur straightened up. "What news, exactly?"

"Her Highness," Thomas started, glancing at Y/n pointedly. "Is leaving for Auradon tomorrow at dawn."

"You are?" Arthur frowned, turning to the girl. "That's very risky."

Y/n fought the urge to roll her eyes at yet another grown-up who didn't want to let her leave. "Asher's coming with me, I'll be fine. But..."

The two men looked at each other, then looked back at Y/n as she figured out the words.

"I actually wanted to find you because..." the girl paused, her eyes flitting around nervously. "Because I wanted to thank you for spending the five months with me." She hung her head in a small grateful bow. "I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't had the two of you and Agatha and Ewan with me."

Thomas and Arthur made brief eye contact before bowing to the girl. "It was a privilege," Thomas said.

"And an honour," Arthur added before the two men rose to their full height again.

Y/n smiled, taking herself and the two men by surprise as her body automatically moved and she found herself wrapping both of them into a hug.

"Thank you," she whispered again, her shoulders easing as a sense of security washed over her. She knew she was surrounded by good people and as long as that was her reality, she was willing to live in it.

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