★彡02|21 - "Mal's my friend, too."彡★

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"So what's the deal with you and Carlos?" Lonnie inquired, plopping down on her bed. Her and Y/n had decided they'd chat for a while to catch up.

Y/n's cheeks heated up, thinking back to the scene in the library a few hours earlier. "There's nothing between us." It's better that way.

Lonnie laughed. "You expect me to believe that? I can see the blush on your cheeks."

"It's not that simple," the princess of the North tried to elaborate.

Her roommate, sensing that she would soon cross the line, raised her hands up in defence. "Alright, alright..."

"What about you?" Y/n asked. "Anyone caught your eye yet?"

"Nah, I don't have time for love," Lonnie brushed it off but there was a longing glint in her eye that Y/n recognised. She looked the same when she thought about Carlos.

"How so?"

"I have to train and stuff if I want to get into the academy next year, you know?"

Right, she's older than me. "I see..."

Y/n's phone dinged. It was Evie.

"Meet me in my room ASAP. We have an emergency." Read the text.

The girl's eyes widened as she shot up from her bed. "I'm sorry, Lonnie, I have to—"

"It's alright," Lonnie waved it off again but Y/n could see that she was a bit hurt. "Go meet your Romeo."

"It's not like—" She opened the door before turning back again. "I'm so sorry Lonnie, I'll make up for this, I promise."

In the matter of half a minute, she dashed through Evie's door. "What is it? Is someone hurt?"

"Mal's gone back to the Isle," Evie filled the princess in, browsing through the clothes in her closet. "Thought you should know."

Y/n nodded. "Got'cha. What do we have to do?"

Evie stopped what she was doing. "Are you sure? You could get into a lot of trouble if you came."

"Yeah, absolutely," Y/n said, stepping closer to the closet so she could already browse the more Isle-looking clothes with her eyes. "Mal's my friend, too."

Evie smiled at the certainty. "Then fine by me." She took out a leather jacket and handed it to Y/n. Then, she stopped again. "What about Asher? Shouldn't he know or come along or something?"

A small grin donned Y/n's face. "Asher's on a date with Jane."

Evie's eyebrows rose. "Really? Oh, that's wonderful news! I just knew there would be someth—"

"Evie," the princess of the North spoke up, lifting the leather jacket in her hand to indicate what they should be talking about.

The blue-haired girl snapped out of it and nodded. "Right. We'll meet with the boys in 15 minutes, think you could do it?"

Y/n grinned again, feeling the familiar adrenaline start pumping through her body at the thought of somewhat reliving adventures from when life was easier. "I've prepped a sneak-out in less." 

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