★彡01|31 - "Maleficent's here." 彡★

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At about 11.55, Y/n, Carlos, Evie and Jay found themselves on the left side balcony in the Cathedral. On the floor, all kinds of people were bustling, but mostly the more important royals from Auradon or those who had some kind of role to play in the coronation.

Sudden cheering from outside indicated that Mal and Ben's carriage had arrived. A bit of time later, pretty much at noon, the four (plus Dude) on the balcony could see Mal being led through the crowd to the front rows and, just a moment after the girl's arrival, the grand doors were opened and the whole crowd quieted as Ben very stiffly started walking to the front, royals and all other people curtsying in some way when he passed them.

At the same time as Ben arrived at the platform, Fairy Godmother also stepped up from the other side, paying her respects to King Beast and Queen Belle before removing the crown from King Beast's head and stepping to place it on the — now kneeling — Prince's head.

From on the balcony, Y/n could see the proud looks on both of the nearly-former rulers' faces as they looked at their son.

King Beast lifted the case from above the wand and the reality hit Y/n. Hard.

With her heart in her throat, she looked at Mal, and then at the three friends that stood to her left. All four of them looked to be as nervous and doubtful as she was.

"What is bravery, if not testing your own fate? What is love, if not having faith?" Y/n reminded herself. Have some faith in the friends you've come to care about so much.

Belle took the wand, carefully handing it to Fairy Godmother. The latter walked to stand in front of Ben. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" she asked, her voice shaking a bit.

"I do solemnly swear." Ben's voice was steady, decisive.

"Then it is my honour—"

The world suddenly drowned out for Y/n, everything getting blurry, except for magic rays flitting through the air and, then, a puff of smoke. And just like that it was gone.

The girl reeled backwards with a gasp, worriedly looking around.

"— and my joy..." Fairy Godmother continued, but Y/n couldn't listen to her anymore. Her eyes focused on Mal.

She's going to take the wand! she realised.

Carlos, Evie and Jay looked at Y/n worriedly.

"Y/n, are you—" Carlos started, but a gasp split through the crowd.

Somebody had grabbed the wand!

The crowd downstairs staggered back and away from... Jane? Y/n thought, her recent vision brushed from her mind as her eyes focused on the girl and not the lighting rays straying from the wand.

"Child, what are you doing?" Fairy Godmother exclaimed in panic, rushing towards her daughter.

The girl thrashed under the power of the wand that she couldn't control. "If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!"

At that, Ben rushed in front of Mal — who'd been the only one to stay where she'd been — and the former king Beast stood protectively in front of Belle and Fairy Godmother, exclaiming, "Take cover!"

At the same time, Jane forced out, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"

Sparks from the wand flew everywhere and, unsurprisingly, Mal was the one to take action as she rushed forward, grabbing the wand from Jane.

The sparks immediately ceased when Mal raised the wand in her left hand, the crowd cowering further at the sight of the girl, who was the daughter of one of the most hated villains of all time, holding a very powerful weapon.

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