★彡01|29 - "You're not kidding." 彡★

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Later that evening, Y/n was deep in thought. And when she came to the conclusion that she couldn't solve the problem herself, she went to the only people she could think of. Evie and Mal.

She knocked on the door, waiting for a bit before peeking her head in. "Hey."

Evie instantly beamed, springing up from her chair. "Hey, Y/n. How can we help you?"

Y/n took that as her cue to fully enter the room. "Well, I suppose Ben told you guys about the moved coronation and I... Have nothing to wear. I was planning to write home during the week for a dress but now it's been moved and then I was thinking about asking Lonnie for something to wear but after all that happened today..."

Evie nodded seriously, understanding the graveness of the situation as she waltzed right to the two girls' wardrobes, Mal only observing the situation from her bed as her friend did the talking. "Whereas I think our clothes would fit you in size, I don't think the style suits you at all."

"I'll take anything more or less formal at this point, really," Y/n confessed.

Evie smiled, whirling around to face her. "Don't be ridiculous. I think I can whip something together."

Y/n's eyes widened. "In one night? You have got to be..." She eyed the measurement tape that Evie had now grabbed from her table. "You're not kidding."

"Nope. Arms."

Y/n obediently raised her arms as the other girl took her measurements, lowering them when Evie went to dive into a pile of cloth in the corner of her half of the room. The blue-haired girl soon returned, wrapping some material around Y/n to see how the colours would fit.

Right then, the door opened.

"Hey, guys, we're back with the..." Jay trailed off, seeing the scene in the room.

"Hey," Y/n said, awkwardly waving at them as her arms were partly restricted to her sides.

Carlos almost snorted, his heart filled with happiness at the sight of the girl. "What's going on here?"

"Last minute dress fittings," Evie said with a smile. "You get the plans?"

"Evie!" Mal hissed, pushing herself up.

Y/n sighed. "It's alright. I'd get why you'd want to ruin this place, I just... I'm just not sure I agree with the alternative, either."

"The outcome's not up to us," Mal said, a regretful tone lacing her voice as she waved her hands at the boys. "Get them here."

For the next few minutes, Mal just sat on her bed, checking the plans. In that time, Evie finished with Y/n and went to her sewing machine, a bunch of f/c material gathered in her lap as she started her work.

"Okay, so..." the princess of the North trailed, going to the door. "I'll leave you guys to your devices. Evie, I'll drop by tomorrow morning."

The blue-haired girl nodded.

Just when Y/n started closing the door, Carlos put a hand between the door and the frame, making eye contact with the girl on the other side. "Hey, just so you know, we — or, I, at least — don't really agree with tomorrow's outcome either. We just—"

"—have no choice," Y/n finished. "I know."

"But..." Carlos started again, sighing. "If we go through with the plan, please, please, get away. Go back to the North. I don't want you to get hurt."

Y/n smiled, her heart warming at the statement. "Right. But I can't promise I won't miss you."

Carlos smiled sadly. "I can't promise that either." Seeing that the girl was about to walk away, he added, "Goodnight, Y/n."

"Goodnight, Carlos."

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