★彡01|27 - "But you don't deny that you like her."彡★

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"Carlos, we've been looking all over for you, where have you be—" Evie started, cutting herself off when she saw the dazed look in her friend's eyes. "Carlos?"

"Hm, what?"

Evie smiled slowly. "Carlos, what were you doing when you were away?"

"Oh, I was in the archery range with Y/n." The boy smiled fondly just thinking about the memory, even if it had been mere minutes ago. He felt like he was floating, his insides flipping just at the thought of her voice and the happiness in her eyes when she was doing what she loved most.

Evie squealed inwardly, only a little squeak escaping her beaming-to-ears-mouth outwardly when she looked at Carlos. "Oh, I knew it! You two are so in love!"

"What?" Carlos asked, shaking his head fiercely even though he knew it to be true very deep in his heart. He still couldn't accept it, though. It would hurt too much. It would hurt him, but, worst of all, it would hurt her. "No way."

"But it's so obvious, Carlos," Evie gushed, taking his shoulders and slightly shaking them as if to knock some sense into him. "The way you care about her is just— How do you not see it?"

Carlos pushed away. "Because I can't, Evie. If we were together it would only hurt her. You know what our parents are like. Love— They wouldn't allow love. They'd just— I don't want to think about what they'd do to Y/n if they found out how much I — we — care about her."

Evie smirked, not fazed by the thought of their parents at that moment. "But you don't deny that you like her."

Carlos sighed as he gave in, his heart skipping a beat at the accusation. "Please don't tell anyone, Evie."

The girl smiled softly, placing a hand on Carlos' shoulder. "I won't, I promise."

"Thank you."

Evie only nodded, but, inside, she was forming a plan. I might not tell anyone but that doesn't mean I can't set them up! With a beaming smile at Carlos, she started walking down the hallway in the direction the boy had just come from. "Come on, Carlos. We don't want to miss dinner."

The boy sighed in relief, happy to be off of Evie's crush-interrogation list for the moment. "Coming."

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