★彡01|28 - "Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand."彡★

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When Y/n walked towards her now-usual spot to eat dinner, she glanced at the table where her four friends sat and made brief eye contact with Carlos, offering the boy a consoling smile, to which he responded to with a sad smile of his own, before going back to listening to whatever Ben was telling them.

"Y/n, hey," Lonnie called, standing up from where she'd been sitting with Chad and a few other people. "Did you hear?"

"What?" her roommate responded, sending a bit of an annoyed look to Chad as he stopped Doug from talking to Evie.

"About the coronation!"

Y/n raised a questioning brow.

"Kind Beast moved it from Friday to tomorrow after what happened today," Lonnie explained. "I heard he's thinking it'll take the people's minds off of what happened, and, besides, a third of Auradon is already in the area because of Family Day."

Y/n blinked, her heart dropping in horror. "But, Lonnie! I have nothing to wear."


But Y/n didn't get to hear Lonnie's answer because, at that moment, Jane squealed in horror, looking at her back-as-it-was-before hair. Y/n's roommate grabbed onto her hair with a fright, checking that it still was as it was supposed to be.

"There's a lot more where that came from," Mal spoke, emotionless.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?" Audrey asked, placing a hand on her hip arrogantly.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Mal asked, starting to flip her spellbook as she got no reaction from the group she was against.

With frightened gasps, the group turned and started leaving, therefore walking towards Y/n. For a moment Audrey stopped, looking at the girl. "And what are you doing here?"

Y/n made a face that clearly expressed the ridiculousness of the sudden question. Then, Audrey looked at Lonnie. "You're not friends with her, are you?"

"I..." Lonnie trailed, stepping further from Y/n. The latter felt offended. Her own roommate, turning on her just like that?

"That's what I thought," Audrey smiled before turning back to Y/n. "You should know better than to try to mingle with the upper class. You have no worth here, wretch, I thought we established that a while ago."

Y/n's eyes narrowed in irritation, her toes curling in her shoes. If I had my bow right now...

"Oh, have I made the little bear speechless," Audrey mocked with a fake sad face. "What are you going to do, roar at me?" She dropped the act. "Better run back to your den, where you belong, before someone gets hurt." With those words, she turned and walked away, Lonnie following the queen bee without much thought put into it.

The four from the Isle had been watching the interaction and when Y/n turned to them, her eyes glistened with tears unshed. In her heart, she knew she had to be strong. She couldn't tell anybody what happened, because that would very well escalate into a political conflict and she knew that Audrey knew that as well. Audrey knew she wouldn't go telling for the sake of her country. So the girl wiped her tears away and left, giving one last broken smile to the group a bit away from her.

The four's hearts got a little fractured at the sight of the girl, who had been nothing but kind to them against all odds, being trampled to the ground, and, of course, Carlos' heart was broken most of all. It started crumbling piece by piece at the prospect of the girl being hurt and, knowing what the day ahead had in store, it threatened to burst so spontaneously that he could physically feel it.

That's why, when Mal turned to them and said, "Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand," there was hatred in his heart. Hatred towards the country and the people that made the girl he liked hurt so deeply. Thus, he smirked wickedly, leaving the food almost untouched on the table as he and his friends got up, leaving to go and polish the last of their plans.

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