★彡01|30 - "You look very pretty in that dress." 彡★

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Y/n ignored Lonnie the next day. The latter didn't make too much effort to talk to her, either, at which point Y/n didn't know whether to be relieved or offended by it.

With the coronation being exactly at noon, Y/n was not surprised when, at 10.30, when she was walking to Mal and Evie's room, the halls were bustling with students in different states of preparation.

The crowning ceremony was to be held at Auradon Cathedral, which was about a five minute walk from Auradon Prep, so most of the students were planning to walk, with the exception of the royal family, who were to be arriving in carriages at their said times.

Y/n was somewhat irritated by the time she got to the girls' door, for she'd been rudely pushed around two times more than normal (which is, in fact, two times) during her trip down the hall. However she gathered herself and knocked, sneaking into the room before an answer came to get away from the mob of people trampling right towards her.

With a sigh, she leant against the door.

"Oh, hey, Y/n," Evie greeted, not turning away from Mal's hair which she was currently styling.

"It's a zoo out there," Y/n admitted, pushing herself off of the door to get a better look at both Mal and Evie. "Nice dresses. Especially you, Mal. The dress is very... you."

"Thanks," Mal said simply.

At the same time, Evie said, "Thanks, yours are on the table."

"Are?" Y/n questioned, bamboozled by the fact that Evie had used plural to refer to her one dress.

"I made two, the one for the party in the evening is a bit shorter," Evie explained simply. "It allows a bit more mobility."

"Wow," Y/n let out, letting her eyes as well as her fingers trail over the fabric of the skirt, which bore an earthy tone of f/c, with the upper part of the dress being pearly white, the widening sleeves about elbow-length while the front of the flowy multiple-layered skirt reached the middle of her shin, the back going on for a bit longer.

The other dress was identical, albeit shorter, as Evie had said.

"Yeah, try it on," the girl in question urged, gesturing to the changing screens. "I really hope it fits but if not I can quickly loosen up the sides a bit, but not much."

Y/n nodded, even though Evie couldn't look, and went to change. The dress slid over her shoulders with ease, fitting perfectly as it hugged her body, but not in a tight way.

"It's great, Evie," the girl complimented, coming out from behind the changing screen. "I'll leave it on, I think. If you could zip me up, that is."

"Oh, you better leave it on," Evie chuckled, putting a finishing pin in Mal's bun before whirling around, zipping Y/n up and guiding her into a chair. "Because you're next for hair, makeup and accessories."

"Evie, you don't need to—"

"Oh, don't worry about it," Evie brushed it off. "I'm almost ready, too, so there's no worries at all. I just need to put on my earrings."

Y/n sighed, her shoulders sagging. "If you insist."

Evie did insist, and then worked magic with her brush, blush and pins, so, precisely at 11.07, Y/n was all ready. Well, almost.

"Here," Evie said, grabbing some jewellery from her table. "I picked these out for you."

"Evie, I don't think—"

"They'll fit perfectly, I promise," the other girl cut Y/n off, handing her the delicate golden leaf-patterned tiara and a bracelet with the same pattern.

Y/n, again, had no other option but to sigh as she put on the bracelet and let Evie place the tiara on the crown of her head.

"Ooh, you look stunning!" Evie gushed, clapping her hands excitedly. "Doesn't she, Mal?"

"Sure," the girl in the purple dress answered, clearly in her own world.

"I'm sure Carlos will like it," Evie went on, making Y/n nearly choke on air.


There was a knock on the door and a moment of silence before it opened.

Y/n was momentarily speechless. Both Carlos' timing and appearance surprised her, so she could do nothing but watch as the boy immediately stepped in and looked at the only girl who was perched up straight on the edge of her bed. "Mal, Ben's looking for you."

"Right," Mal said, a bit breathlessly, before turning to Y/n and Evie. "I better get going."

"Actually, I should get going, too," Y/n realised, standing up and going to the table after Mal had left. "Evie, I think I should take the other dress for now, too, just in case there's not too much time to change—"

"Take it, it's yours," Evie cut in, eyeing Carlos with a small smile when she noticed the way he was looking at their mutual friend.

"Thank you so much," Y/n beamed, going for the door after she grabbed the dress. Then she stopped, turning her head to aim the gratitude in her smile at Evie. "Thank you, really. For the dresses, the hair, the makeup, the accessories..."

"Yeah, of course, but you two should go now," Evie ushered, coming to close the door after Carlos and Y/n.

For the first time that morning, the two made eye contact, both of them (unbeknownst to each other) feeling their cheeks heat up after the short moment.

When Evie had, quite literally, pushed them out of the door, they were alone in the hallway. The bustling had died down for the moment, everyone now in their respective rooms to make the last adjustments after they had gotten all they needed from their friends.

Carlos gave Y/n a smile, some invisible force compelling him to say, "You look very pretty in that dress." Then his eyes widened, an embarrassed blush rising to his face. "Not that you don't look very pretty all the time, you do — of course, you do. What I mean is—"

"You don't look too bad yourself," Y/n cut him off with a kind smile, ignoring the way her heart was picking up speed.

"Thanks..." Carlos trailed, shyly looking to the ground. "You know, I should, probably, go and see that Dude's alright, and—"

"That's fine, I should go, too," Y/n cut in again with an understanding look on her face.

"Right," Carlos nodded, going to walk when Y/n stopped him by calling his name.

"Would it be alright if I walked to the coronation with you, Jay, and Evie? I have no one else to go with," she asked.

"Of course! Of course, it would be alright," Carlos smiled. "We're leaving at 11.40, be ready by then."

"I will be," Y/n promised and the two parted, both of their hearts taking their time calming down while Evie, who had obviously been eavesdropping, cheered quietly to herself.

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