★彡02|01 - "And that we miss her."彡★

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The first time one of Y/n's letters arrived to Auradon brought ecstasy into Evie's heart. It had been but two weeks since she'd left their company, yet when the girl rushed into the room where the rest of the Isle kids were and declared what was going on, Carlos was the first to spring up.

"Show us," he demanded, the video game unpaused and forgotten on his laptop.

"Here," Evie held the letter out, Carlos grabbing it as everybody huddled around him to read the following.

Hi, guys!

It's been really weird not seeing you every day, even weirder than it was after our little misunderstanding. I miss you.

It is equally as weird to be writing a handwritten letter, but it actually has been a dream of mine.

That said, you'd probably want to know how I'm doing. Ewan and I (Ewan's my brother, I don't know if I've mentioned that) are staying at a lovely cottage. We have a pond just down the hill and it's so far away from everything else that we're safe here.

With us stay two trusted royal guards and a maid. One of the guards is to be the messenger, going back and forth between me and you guys so we can keep in touch.

The main point, I suppose, is that I am safe and you guys don't have to worry about anything.

I don't see my mother much, though, so when — or if — I can rejoin you guys at Auradon Prep is still unclear. The Queen of Hearts has gained quite the following and favour amongst Wonderland and the North's vigilantes and they, for all I know, are planning an uprising against my mother and the Mad Hatter, who've teamed up to... defeat the evil, I think is the easiest way to put it.

By all my own hopes, I'd like to return in a month, if possible, but one can never predict national conflicts.

Now, I know this letter has been quite long, but since the distance between us is, too, I decided I'd pack as much information into one single letter as possible, for the messenger won't constantly be going back and forth.

So, how are you guys doing? I don't suppose much has changed, for it has only been two weeks, even though they've seemed long. I'll be looking forward to your letter!

Y/n, your friend

PS! Make sure to contact Fairy Godmother and send me some school stuff! I wouldn't want to miss out on too much.

After all four had finished, they plopped down.

"So who's answering?" Mal threw the question in the air.

"I will!" Carlos was quick to volunteer.

"No way," Jay shook his head. "We have extra tourney practice."

"I'll write after—"

"I'll do it," Evie cut in. "The messenger told me he wants to get going as soon as possible, we can't keep him until the dark."

Carlos sighed, giving in. "Well, at least tell her that we're doing good and— " His voice broke for a moment and he had to look at the ground for a moment as he gathered his bearings. "And that we miss her."

Evie smiled. "Will do."

She then closed her chemistry textbook, took a paper and a pen and started writing. She wrote and wrote, then went to check in with Fairy Godmother, who quickly ran through all Y/n's teachers and packed all of the materials she had to send off with the messenger.

Two days later, the messenger arrived at the cottage the royals of the North were staying at.

Prince Ewan, being only three years old, was taking a nap and the crown princess, being restless like her mother in confined spaces, was sparring with the other guard.

Y/n, distracted, provided the guard and opening and suddenly there was a sword at her throat. "You got distracted, Your Highness."

The girl sighed. As much as I dislike the title, it's useless telling Arthur not to use it... Instead, she nodded understandingly before sheathing her sword and turning around to face the returning messenger.

"Your Highness, Arthur," the young man greeted, hopping off of his white steed with practised ease. He might've been young and just out of training for the royal guard, but he was living up to the occupation.

"Thomas," Arthur greeted, stepping forth. "Any trouble on the way?" As someone more experienced than Thomas in their craft, he felt the responsibility to check up on the younger man.

"No, sir," Thomas shook his head, treating the older man with the same respect he was treated with before unpacking his horse's saddlebags and placing the piles on the porch of the cottage.

"Your Highness, the headmistress of Auradon Prep has sent you some school material along with the letter from your friends," he explained.

Y/n smiled, happy that all was going according to her vision as of the moment. "Thank you, Thomas."

Thomas nodded, giving a bow before he went to put his horse away.

Meanwhile, Arthur helped Y/n get all the stuff inside onto a table.

"Thank you, Arthur," the girl said, sitting down at the table. The man took it as his dismissal and left with a bow, leaving Y/n alone in the little room that was mostly used for writing and reading. Bookcases lined the walls and the table was situated directly under a window that overlooked a small slope, where not many trees grew. At the bottom of it was a little stream, further along which Y/n knew to be a pond.

Y/n hurriedly decided to open the letter before anything else.

Dear Y/n!

It's been pretty weird not seeing you as well and I think I speak for all of us when I say that we miss you very much. Even Jay seems to be a little less cheery and mischievous since you left but other than that we're doing good.

And you are right, it's pretty weird to be writing a handwritten letter.

Now, I should probably let you know what has happened. It's been pretty much the same as always after the coronation even though, I suppose, we've been treated with a bit more respect because of what we did at the coronation.

Lessons and all are still the same, people haven't changed much either. Audrey's a bit bitter about not becoming the Queen; I heard from Doug that Fauna, Flora and Merryweather are planning a spa vacation for her.

I also heard from Jay that a few days ago Carlos had woken up in the middle of the night to Dude whimpering and clawing at an archery bow (by the way, Carlos now owns one). I guess even the dog misses you.

I know that I mentioned it already but we all do. Miss you, I mean. So keep us updated about your situation and we hope you can return soon.



Y/n smiled at the contents of the letter, deciding to respond to them in a week's time, giving Thomas time to rest and things time to happen.

With that decision, she started on her homework, smiling at the sound of Agatha, the maid, going to wake Ewan up from his nap.

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