★彡01|11 - "Midnight snack?"彡★

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"So what we doin' tonight?" Lonnie asked, swinging her legs.

"Sleeping... Studying?" Y/n guessed, completely and utterly confused. At Lonnie's expression, her confusion faded into fear. "Is there an event I forgot or don't know of?"

"Nah," Lonnie shook her head. "I was thinking we could do a movie night or something. Or maybe just chat, cook, something like that."

"Is that what teenage girls do?" Y/n raised a brow skeptically. To her, it sounded a bit boring, for back home if she did anything other than sleeping at night, it was sneaking out with Asher.

"Here in Auradon, yeah," Lonnie nodded before smiling. "I have a bunch of movies on my laptop that I'm sure you'll love!"

Y/n nodded slowly, deciding that it would do her good to learn something about Auradon pop culture. "Yeah, sure, we can watch them."

"Great! But first we need snacks!" Lonnie pulled herself up from the bed. "Come on!"

Y/n's eyes narrowed. "Where?"

"We're sneaking into the kitchen, duh," Lonnie smiled.

Y/n's expression lit up. "Now you're talking business."

Thus, the two of them snuck out of their room, already familiar adrenaline pumping through Y/n's body and bringing her back home for a moment where she'd often had sleepovers with Asher and then they'd snuck into the kitchen to make some snacks. Y/n was the princess so she could've walked in there with nobody telling her off but there had always been something so very thrilling about the feeling of sneaking around, almost like spies on a mission.

They reached the kitchen door, and Lonnie walked in ahead of Y/n, making the h/c-haired girl almost bump into her.

"What is it, Lonnie?" she asked, fearing that they'd been caught.

Lonnie stepped into the kitchen, giving Y/n a view of the Isle kids. "Midnight snack?" she asked, looking at the bowl. "By the way, all the girls want you to do their hair now."

Carlos' eyes found Y/n and he raised a brow, questioning Lonnie's statement.

Y/n shrugged, suddenly very aware that she was just in her pajamas.

"Anyway, what are you guys making?" Lonnie chittered on, leaning closer to the bowl.

"Nothing special, just cookies," Mal started but Lonnie dipped her finger into the bowl. "No, no, no!" the girl exclaimed in fear.

"Wait!" the boys called also.

Y/n shuffled away quietly, going to scour the cabinets and the fridge for candy or popcorn that she and Lonnie could snack on.

"What? I'm not gonna double dip," Lonnie shrugged, glancing Y/n's way for a second.

"Nothing yet," Y/n answered the glance with a shrug before standing up and walking towards the other end of the kitchen.

"Feel anything?" Evie asked Lonnie.

"Like maybe it might be missing something?" Mal added.

It went silent for a second and Y/n rounded the corner, juggling with a few oranges, only to see that Jay was leaning on a pole very near to Lonnie, as if flirting. "Did I miss something?" the girl asked, coming to a stop next to Carlos.

Carlos gave a slight shake of his head, focusing on the scene in front of him as Lonnie's eyes widened and she turned away, opening the fridge door. "It could use some chips."

"Chips?" Jay asked, ignoring his rapidly declining self-esteem.

"And those are?" Mal asked, breathless with something like relief.

"Chocolate chips," Y/n clarified, grabbing a plastic bag and stuffing the oranges inside. She left them on a table to go check for something more.

"Just the most important food group." Lonnie walked back over to the group, stopping in confusion. "Wait, didn't your moms ever make you guys like chocolate chip cookies?"

The Isle kids stared, Y/n's movements slowing as she listened in.

"Like when you're feeling sad and they're fresh from the oven with a big old glass of milk and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and..."

Y/n inspected the faces of the four, the bag of already ready popcorn in her hands forgotten for the moment. She swallowed thickly upon seeing nothing but sadness and pursed her lips. "Lonnie," she warned quietly.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Lonnie asked, not realizing the impact of her words.

"It's just different where we're from," Mal answered, sullen as she stirred the batter.

"Yeah, I know. I just, you know, I thought: Even villains love their kids." Her tone was joking but upon seeing the four's expressions, she faltered.

"Lonnie, I think we should go," Y/n said quietly, grabbing her roommate's shoulder.

Still, the other girl wouldn't budge. "Oh... How awful."

A tear slipped from her eye but Y/n didn't pay mind to what became of it as she handed Lonnie the food and pushed her out the kitchen door.

She spun around, facing the Isle kids who'd somehow gathered themselves and were moving to get the cookies into the oven. Everyone but Carlos, that is. The boy was sitting where he'd been sitting ever since before the girls entered the kitchen, absentmindedly petting Dude's back.

"I'm sorry about her," Y/n said quietly, referring to her roommate. "She has no filter sometimes."

"It's alright."

Y/n bit her lip, wondering whether or not she should ask the next question. "Why... Why did you lie to me? Yesterday at dinner." She thought back to how Carlos had said that their parents loved them very much.

The boy slowly straightened, looking the girl in the eyes. "I didn't want you to think differently of us."

Y/n offered a small smile. "Well, I don't think differently of you now, Carlos." She took a step back towards the kitchen door. "I should probably..."

Carlos nodded, his eyes flitting back to his friends as well. "Yeah. Goodnight, Y/n."


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