★彡01|18 - "Fairy Godmother, I need to talk to you about something."彡★

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The next day, during her free period, Jane knocked on Y/n's dorm door. "Hi..."

"Hey, Jane, come in," Y/n smiled, putting her pen down as her mind was immediately emptied of Auradon's political history. "What's up?"

"My mother sent me with a message," Jane started. "She said you should go to the library classroom."

"Oh," Y/n said. "Am I in trouble?"

"Oh, no, no," Jane shook her head. "It's about family day."

"Oh," Y/n said again, standing up as she nodded. "Right now?"

"As soon as possible," Jane confirmed.

"Alright, thank you," Y/n smiled, her and Jane walking out of the room and Y/n locking it behind her.

"Okay, bye," Jane said and scurried off, not giving Y/n the chance to answer.

The girl made her way to the library classroom, eyeing the Isle kids awkwardly before smiling awkwardly at Fairy Godmother. "You asked to see me?"

"Y/n, dear, yes, come in," Fairy Godmother beckoned. "I was just telling the others here — this Sunday is family day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to..." She hesitated. "...distance, we've arranged for a special treat."

Y/n took notice of the TV in front of the room and quickly formed the thought to object, only to have Fairy Godmother read her mind. "And Y/n, I know you are technically able to communicate with your mother, but we talked it over with her and she said she'd still like this to take place."

Y/n nodded slowly, moving to stand at the door as the parents from the Isle came into view.

"I don't see anything, nor do I hear," Maleficent spoke suspiciously, backing up from the screen so the other three could be seen, too.

Fairy Godmother gestured for the Isle kids to come closer to the TV. "Kids!"

The villainy parents continued arguing until Maleficent distastefully tossed the remote aside, thus activating whatever it was that they were missing.

The Evil Queen was the first to gasp. "Evie! It's mommy!" She waved before gushing, "Look how beautiful — don't you know what they say? The poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent quipped in annoyance.

Then Cruella let out a sound of surprise. "Who's the old bat?"

"This is Fairy Godmother," Mal filled the parents in.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent mused.

"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" Fairy Godmother corrected.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella until 1 a.m.?" Maleficent went on. "I mean really, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?"

"They were mice!" Fairy Godmother exclaimed. "They were not—" She turned to the kids in the room. "They were mice."

"Thank you so much, thank you," Mal said, prompting Fairy Godmother to stand to the side and let the kids closer to the screen.

"Hey, mom!" the girl in purple greeted.


"We miss you!" Cruella de Vil filled the void of silence that followed Maleficent's exclamation.

"You children are never far from our thoughts," Jafar added.

"I got it," Maleficent said, taking over again. "How long must mommy wait to see you?"

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