★彡01|15 - "Prophecy of the Woodcarver Witch..." 彡★

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Y/n stepped down into the darkness, her feet knowing the way. It was almost as if she was in some kind of trance, for she felt no fear in the complete darkness.

Then something blue flickered to life in front of her, lighting the way. It was like something out of a story her mother used to tell her.

Suddenly, it almost felt like she could hear her voice echo in the corridor.

"Some say Will O' The Wisps can lead you to your destiny."

Y/n froze, looking around although there was nothing but the small blue light to see. Letting out a shuddering breath as fear suddenly seeped into her bones, she reached out for the light.

It disappeared at her touch, appearing further down the hallway.

Y/n followed the light, only for it to appear further down the hallway again. She did that one... Two... Three more times. Then she was in the dark again. She took a step but the echo of her feet took her aback.

And then there was light. A ring of fire filled the edges of the room, showing Y/n that she'd reached somewhat of an open space.

When her eyes adjusted to the light, she realized that there were words on the walls. She squinted, reading the words out loud.

"What is bravery, if not testing your own fate?

What is love, if not having faith?

There will come a day when there's a need for both,

for only change can bring growth.

Then one will come forth,

proving what the change is worth.

But if she fails, all will fall,

fate will crack and tragedy will stand tall.

Who she is, you might ask,

upon whom there's been placed such a task.

She is a country's legacy,

where power hides is her embassy."

Y/n's heart pounded as she finished. She felt as if something was surging through her, rocking her back and forth and knocking her off balance. A wind blasted into the underground room and the flames flared higher, temporarily covering the words on the walls.

Y/n's breath hitched as she stumbled. The world had been spinning but now it felt as if everything was nailed to its place. Everything was so still as she looked at the smaller words under the ring of words that circled the entire room. "Prophecy of the Woodcarver Witch..." the girl whispered to herself, the name tasting familiar on her tongue.

And then she remembered.

"Who's the Woodcarver Witch?" little Y/n inquired, sitting on Merida's lap.

"She's a witch that gave me the cake for your grandmother."

"When she turned into a bear?"


Y/n looked around. "Why was she here? She was here, wasn't she?"

Merida sighed. "She thought she had something to tell you but she was wrong. She got you confused with somebody."

"Oh," Y/n let out. "What was it?"

"Nothing important, hun," Merida said before hugging her daughter tightly. "But you have to promise me one thing, Y/n."

"What is it?"

"Be brave. And love those around you with all your heart."

Y/n nodded. "But... But why?"

"Because love is the most powerful weapon."

"Even stronger than your bow?"

"Even stronger than my bow," Merida nodded.

"But what about magic?"

Merida stilled for a second. "Magic is powerful, too, but it can be used for evil. That's why love comes first and magic comes second. Because when you love, you won't use magic for evil."

Y/n shook herself out of the memory, reading over the words on the walls again and again until they were engraved in her brain. "What is bravery...? What is love...?" she muttered. Back then the Woodcarver Witch had something to tell me.Her eyes darted back to the walls. The prophecy...

Y/n swallowed thickly, saying the words to herself just because it made the situation more real. "Legacy. The girl in the prophecy is a legacy." Then her breath hitched and the world seemed to sway for a second. "I'm a legacy."

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