★彡01|21 - "What do you want to do about it?"彡★

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A few minutes later, all five of them were sitting in Mal and Evie's room, the door firmly locked.

"Here it is!" Mal exclaimed. "The Find Powers Spell!"

"How does it work?" Carlos inquired, his hands nervously playing with Dude's fur as he glanced at Y/n. He really didn't like the idea of the spell hurting the girl in any way.

Mal furrowed her brows, reading through the spell once more. "It would affect everyone in the room, showing some kind of smoke around each person. The ones whose smoke is green don't possess any powers, the ones with blue possess powers if they use a spell book or another item, the ones yellow have physical powers like speed or super strength, the ones purple can control one or multiple natural forces and the ones red have mind-based powers like mind reading or telekinesis."

"It's certainly not yellow," Y/n tried to joke. Nobody laughed.

"What does it need?" Jay asked.

"We all have to say it together and then hold our breath for as long as we want it to work."

Silence ensued, everybody thinking the situation over. Evie broke it. "What are the words?"

"Show our powers, don't hide what's ours, reveal the truth before we abandon our youth."

Everybody took a moment to mutter the words Mal had said under their breaths, making sure they got everything right. Y/n nodded. "Okay. Everybody ready?"

She received nods.

"Don't forget to hold your breath," Mal reminded.

Then everyone chanted, "Show our powers, don't hide what's ours, reveal the truth before we abandon our youth."

Y/n closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in before she opened them. Mal had blue smoke, as was expected, but its edges were a mix of purple and yellow. Jay, Carlos and Evie were natural. Finally, Y/n dared glance down at herself.


The blood-like color made her sick to her stomach and she let go, breathing out. Blood rushed to her head and her vision blackened, making her sway. At that moment, everything was dark.

And then there was light. Y/n lay on the ground, staring up at the four concerned faces. She groaned, pulling herself up. "What happened?"

"You fainted," Mal said, as if it were obvious.

"Probably shock and holding your breath for too long," Evie added.

Y/n bit her lip, pushing herself up to sit. Carlos put a hand on her back, supporting her until she crawled backwards towards a bed. The girl gave the boy a small smile before looking down at her hands. "So it really is me in that prophecy, huh?"

Evie crouched in front of her. "What do you want to do about it?"

The girl sighed, looking around the room. "But if she fails, all will fall, fate will crack and tragedy will stand tall." "I don't know." Y/n's eyes found Mal. "Mal, what would you do?"

"Probably learn to use my powers and see from then on," the girl in purple shrugged.

"By see from then on you mean taking over the world?" Jay piped in, chuckling.

Carlos let out a hum. "Considering who our parents are, it would be logical."

Mal huffed, irritated by the subject.

Y/n let out yet another sigh, looking at the four other people in the room. "Will you help me?"

Jay let out a small cheer at the decision and Carlos' lips twitched into a small smile. "Of course," he said and the rest nodded along.

Y/n nodded to herself. This is where it really begins. 

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