42: Lying Whore

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"He deserved it, right?" JJ asks us.

"Are you joking? Of course he deserved it." Kie says.

"Never seen anyone blow themselves up like that." Pope says still in disbelief.

"Cross that one off the bucket list." JJ says.

"JJ!" Kie says as she walks up to John B.

"Sucks for Sarah." JJ says upset for the girl.

"Are you okay?" Kie asks John B.

"It's not me I'm worried about." He answers.

"JJ can we talk?" I ask him as he looks at me confused.

"Sure." He says as we go sit in the hammocks away from the others. "What's up?"

"He said peaches right?" I ask him.

"Yea." JJ says confused on why that matters.

"When my mom was sorry, she would say peaches. It's what she called me. Ward knew that, it has to mean something." I tell JJ in shock.

"He's dead Eve, we don't have to worry about him." JJ reassured me.

"Is he though?" I ask.


"The night they killed Big John i over heard them say that if anyone finds out they have to leave the island, or fake their deaths. And now that I'm thinking about it, maybe my mom hitting my dad was staged? Like maybe that was his fake death. And Wards was the boat."

"I think you're over thinking all of this." JJ tells me not believing me.

"You don't believe me?" I ask him confused.

"I just think it's impossible." JJ tells me not believing me.

"It's Ward JJ, he can do anything. He's smart." JJ looks down at his hands as I get up. "I'm not crazy! I'm gonna go, come and get me if anything serious happens." I then starts walking away as JJ doenst even respond.

I finally look to see where my feet brought me as I'm outside the Cameron's. I see Rafe walk towards me as I back up.

"Look, we need to talk." He tells me as I stop to talk.

"Then talk." I tell him pissed at him.

"We're the only people left in the business. Me you and Barry. That's all. Big John promised us a cut of the gold. He promised. So we need to get what's ours. I just need you to come with me and try and get it." Rafe says.

"Rafe, you're a murder. And already rich as fuck. You don't deserve any of it." I tell him pissed.

"No! I only decided to join the business because I was in love with you! This all happened because of you!" He tells me. "And I'm getting better! Just like I promised you!"

"It's not my fault you're in love with me!" I yell at him. "Fuck you Rafe Cameron!" I yell as I walk away.

"Wait, Eve! I'm still in love with you!" He yells as I walk away.

Why? Why is Rafe Cameron in love with me? I mean he's a murder, maybe that's what I deserve. JJ is way more better than Rafe and he isn't in love with me.

"Barry." I say walking through the door tears going down my face.

"What's wrong?" He asks me as he brings me to the couch.

"Rafe told me he loved me. And if JJ can't love me. Maybe a murder is the only person that should love me. Maybe I'm not good enough for someone like JJ." I say sobbing into his shoulder.

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now