45: Bullshit

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"Pope, are you okay?" Kie asks as the cross falls. I look down to see JJ and I holding hands.

"Thanks." I tell JJ as I let go of his hand and run to Pope.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just give me, like, one second to, like, catch my breath." Pope says.

"You did it, Pope." John B says as we look at the cross.

"Pope, she's... she's beautiful." JJ says touching the cross.

"I've never seen anything like it." Sarah comments.

"Detail's insane." JJ says as we all admire the cross.

"Well, here's why Limbrey wanted that key so bad." John B comments as we look at the key hole.

"Whoa. Good find. How much do you think she's worth?" JJ asks as I give him a confused look. I leave the cross and walk over to Pope to see if he's okay. "Like, if we melted her old bones down,dude, I'm talking like high billions."

"This belongs in a--No! This belongs in a museum." John B argues.

"What? So no one sees her?" JJ asks.

"In a museum where everyone sees it." Kie informs him.

"Are you kidding?" JJ asks confused.

"Hey! It's my ancestors' cross!" Pope tells them. "This is bigger than money, and the world's gotta know the truth."

"Yes. If we don't get this shit outta here before Limbrey gets here, nobody's gonna know. So saddle up." John B says as we all get ready to lift.

"Wait. Hold on. John B, you're gonna pull, all right? Pull down." JJ tells him as I crouch down to lift.

"I'm gonna pull down. You guys pull up. Ready? One, two, three." John B says as we all start lifting it. We all struggle to lift it.

"Who's... who's not lifting right now? Sarah, are you seriously--" JJ asks blaming Sarah.

"I'm lifting!" Sarah yells at him.

"Move forward." Kie says.

"Okay, guys. I can't. I can't." Pope says as everyone tells him to not back down. He then drops it as I quickly grab Popes hand.

"Damn it, yo! You almost dropped it on my foot!" JJ yells at Sarah.

"Cause I'm the only one lifting it!" She yells back.

"Pope, pope you are not okay." I tell Pope as the others argue.

"I'm fine." He says as he then groans in pain.

"No you aren't. I think you need a hospital." I say concerned.

"Okay no I'm not, im  not okay." Pope tells me as he breaths really heavy.

"Pope you're having an allergic reaction." I tell him as I look to the others. "Guys help! He's having an allergic reaction! There's no time for the cross!" I tell them as they all surround us.

"I can't--" Pope says as he then passes out.

"No, no no no no no!" We all day as we go to lift him up.

"JJ, try and hide it." John B tells him. I run to JJ as we hurry up and hide it as well as we can.

"I didn't hide it well enough." JJ tells me.

"It doenst matter. This is Pope over a cross. Pope is way more important." I tell him as we all run into my truck. I quickly hand JJ the keys as I sit in the passenger seat.

"Ricky!" JJ yells as we all get Pope and run to the door. "Ricky! Hey! Bro! Ricky, hey, I got a problem, bro! I know you're mad at me!"

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