The Grasp of the Gnome

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At the annual Royal Knights Faire in Crystal Cove, people are dressed up in costumes as the workers perform dances and tricks. A girl, Jen, is drinking soda when Ben surprises Jen with his pirate costume.

Ben: Hmm? Huh? Huh?

Jen: I still don't get why some people insist on dressing like pirates at a faire for knights.

Ben: Because knights are boring. They're so, milord this and milady that. Joust me! Ooh, I've got the pox! Pirates, on the other hand, are awesome. Yarr!

Ben costume starts to come off.

Ben: I got to fix this thing.

He then goes into an alleyway and starts to fix his costume. He hears giggling and goes to investigate.

Ben: Hello?

He then looks down and sees a gnome with glowing hands and eyes. Ben falls down and the gnome touches his face as Jen comes over.

Jen: I could knit a sash in the time you're talking.

She then sees the gnome and he acrobatically jump to the top of a nearby building and disappears. Jen screams as Ben's skin rapidly turns blue as he lays paralyzed with a look of terror frozen on his face. 

Later that day, Lord Barry welcomes people to the Royal Knights Faire.

Lord Barry: I, Lord Berry, welcome thee to the Royal Knights Faire. Huzzah. More filthy pirates. Go hang out at a seafood restaurant.

Gil Littlefoot, court jester and one of the fair's operators, complains about Berry.

Gil: Lord Berry's gotta relax about letting pirates mix with knights and damsels. I told him not to worry about historical inaccuracies. More people, more money.

He is then hit by the cane.

Gil: Ow!

Amanda: Quiet, fool. All faire should be kept historically untainted. Otherwise, who knows what sort of shambling low-lives will arrive?

Shaggy and Scooby were both walking as pirates as Velma was herself and Fred was a knight.

Shaggy: Peg-leg shaggy said, "Arr shiver me timbers and like, break out the barbecue turkey legs and the mutton kebabs."

Scooby: Aye-aye, peg-leg Shaggy, sir.

Velma: Any way a girl could dock here?

Shaggy: Aye, but only if ye be in wench garb and talking all piratey.

Scooby: Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of root beer.

Velma: Let's see, I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with no way I'm putting on those dumb clothes.

Y/N and Daphne were walking together. Daphne was dressed as a princess and Y/N was a pirate.

Daphne: Why are you a pirate?

Y/N: It was the only thing I had as a costume. That and the stores were out of knights. Nice outfit by the way.

Daphne: Thank you.

Velma: Hey, guys, look at this.

The gang looks and sees someone being placed into an ambulance. Jen tells Mayor Jones and Sheriff Stone about the gnome attack.

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