Dead Justice

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The gang was preparing a trap to capture the Pirahna-Goat, a masked villain who wants to disrupt the water supply. Fred was explaining the trap.

Fred: Then a system of pulleys connected to a counterweight, loop through that tree and flagpole. We'll drag that hotdog cart-

Scooby: Hotdogs?

Fred: Stay with me, Scoob.

Velma: Nobody's with you, Fred.

Daphne: It is a pretty complicated trap.

Fred: That's exactly why it'll work. Sometimes, it's like I'm all alone out here.

The Pirahna-Goat comes out.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Ha, ha! It's the piranha-goat!

Fred: And we've got him right where we want him.

Fred tries to pull but the rope is stuck.

Fred: Hey, what's wrong with this thing?

The Pirahna-Goat begins to get away.

Y/N: Anytime now, Fred.

Sheriff Stone arrives.

Sheriff Stone: Going somewhere, piranha-goat?

Pirahna-Goat: Bu-uh-uh-sted.

Velma: Good thing Sheriff Stone showed up.

Sheriff Stone: Well, you're darn tootin'. I've told you kids a thousand times, you leave the crime busting to the crime-busters. Piranha-goat, you're coming with me.

Fred lets go of the rope and the trap activates.

Fred: Ooh, my trap's working.

Daphne: Uh-oh.

The hotdog cart goes by as Shaggy and Scooby take two hotdogs and eats them as the gang ang Sheriff Stone is captured.

Fred: Told you it would work.

Y/N: Fred, now's not the time.

Pirahna-Goat: La-aay-ter.

The Pirahna-Goat runs but stops as thunder is heard and a skeletal horse and a sheriff from the Old West, wearing a brown coat, gold badge, cowboy hat and red bandana as his face is decomposed, having a skeletal face with very little skin covering it. His left eye was red and dark. The Pirahna-Goat runs but the sheriff brings out a lasso and throws it as it captures the Pirahna-Goat, and he is dragged away with the skeleton sheriff.

Dead Justice: See you around, Sheriff.

Fog appears and he goes into it and disappears.

Sheriff Stone: It can't be. Dead justice... He's returned. 

The gang and Sheriff Stone get out of the trap as the gang looks at Sheriff Stone.

Velma: Sheriff, who is this Dead Justice guy?

Sheriff Stone: Only the greatest lawman ever to clean up the streets of Crystal Cove. And my number 3 personal hero, right behind myself and the mayor.

Fred: Never heard of him.

Sheriff Stone: He's been dead for over hundred years.

Y/N: Well, that's probably why.

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