The Man in the Mirror

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Mayor Nettles wants the gang to investigate a house that's presumably haunted, according to some reports of the people in the neighborhood.

Mayor Nettles: Sorry to bother you so early, kids. But the neighbors have been calling in constantly with reports of unearthly moaning, inhuman howling, blood curling screams-

Shaggy: In other words, same old same old.

Fred: You can count on us, Mayor Nettles.

Daphne: We'll see if there's anything mysterious going on here.

Mayor Nettles: Thanks, kids.

She walks away.

Velma: Come on, come on, let's go! Let's get this over with.

Fred: After we're finished here, we need to relocate the Planispheric Disk.

Scooby: We'll do it.

Shaggy: Good idea, Scoob. Yeah, you and I will re-hide the disc while you guys check out the scary howls.

Daphne: You're out of luck, Shaggy. Remember? Y/N hid the disk last time. He's the only one who knows where it is.

Velma: Oy, can we hurry? Please?

Fred: Okay, let's get started. But, first, well, gang, it looks like we got another mystery on our hands! Come on, let's split up and look for clues?

Y/N was looking in the basement, there he finds a mirror, but he notices that his reflection is not normal, it moves differently. When Y/N turns around, his reflection pulls him into the mirror, causing Y/N to drop his lantern before he disappears.

The other members of the gang realized that the house wasn't haunted and went outside and called Mayor Nettles.

Velma: That's right, Mayor Nettles. The place wasn't haunted. Daphne found the neighbor's cat locked up in there. Poor thing had irritable bowel syndrome.

Scooby: Huh? Ugh. Yes.

Velma: That's why it was making all those terrible noises. No, you're more than welcome. It's twenty minutes past rendezvous time and still no Y/N. I'm virtually assured of my first tardy ever.

Daphne: What if he's hurt? Let's go back in and find him.

Shaggy: Like, I'm sure Y/N's fine, Daph. We were all over that house. And the only scary things we found were an unhappy cat and Scooby-Doo doing an impression of my mom using an old hat from the attic.

Scooby is wearing a wig.

Scooby: Oh, Norville. Eat all that broccoli or no television. It's all in the hat.

Fake Y/N: Hello, friends.

Daphne: Oh, Y/N. Thank goodness.

Fake Y/N: This place was a total bust. Nothing scary here. So, let's get to school before we're late. Punctuality is an important facet of learning.

Daphne goes to hug him by the fake Y/N walks past her.

Fake Y/N: Right, Daphne?

Daphne: Um, right, Y/N.

Fred: If I step on it, we can still make it to school on time.

Before Fred could enter fake Y/N got in the van instead.

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