Wrath of the Krampus

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A young boy who is disrupting the neighborhood with his ghetto blaster and being rude to his elders is walking down the street.

Young Boy: Yeah! That's right! Eat the jams. Eat 'em! Eat all my loud jams!

He kicks two trash cans over, nearly hitting an old lady.

Young Boy: What are you lookin' at, oldie?

Old Lady: Uh-

Young Boy: What's that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you, because you're old!

The old lady goes back inside her home as the young boy continues to walk down the street still blasting music when his music stops and the boombox changes stations by itself.

Krampus: Krampus thinks you need to respect your elders, other people's property, and the right to a quiet night!

The streetlights all shatter as Krampus lands in front of him.

Young Boy: Krampus? Why don't you just call yourself Dorkus? Or Lamus?

Krampus roars at him and he is left in shock with white hair as Krampus laughs and flees the scene.

Fred was at his house with the case of the three Planispheric Disk.

Brad: Hey, there, son.

Judy: What are you doing, dear?

Brad: Yeah. What's in the-

Judy: Briefcase?

Fred: Glad you asked! Mom, dad, I've got something important to say. Since you've come back into my life, I finally feel for the first time ever that I can trust adults.

Judy: Oh, Fred!

Brad: We are glad you feel that way, son.

Fred: And because of that, if anything should happen to me or the gang, I want you to have what's in this briefcase.

Judy: We could take it right now.

Fred: Oh, no. That's okay. I'm going to put it in the Mystery Machine for now so I can keep a close eye on it. The gang and I are checking out some weird goat guy who's terrorizing kids. You know duty- it calls. It's so great having you both in my life again.

Fred hugs them.

Judy: Keep your trip wire taut.

Brad: And your tensile line strong.

Fred then leaves the house as Brad and Judy call Mr. E.

Judy: Ricky? It's Brad.

Brad: And Judy.

Mr. E: Go ahead, you two.

Judy: Tell Professor Pericles the rest of the Planespheric Disk-

Brad: Is ours for the taking.

The gang is in the van driving.

Velma: Something's been bugging me about our little underwater escapade.

Daphne: There's a lot about that adventure I wish we could forget.

Scooby: Amen to that.

Velma: But the weirdest part of all was what the late Abigail Gluck whispered.

Shaggy: Like, I'll say. A crazy mummified corpse whispering "Nibiru" is creepy times 10!

Velma: It gets creepier. I googled it and found a lot, namely this- "Nibiru" is a planet listed in the writings of Zacharius Sitchen, particularly his book "The Twelfth Planet. " According to Sitchen's interpretation of Babylonian religious texts, a giant planet called Nibiru passes by earth every 3,600 years and allows its sentient inhabitants to interact with humanity. These beings, which Sitchen identified with the Annunaki of Sumerian myth, would become humanity's first gods. My favorite Internet encyclopedia says there's supposed to be a collision. The Nibiru collision is a disastrous encounter between the earth and a large planetary object. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as planet "X," or Nibiru.

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