Menace of The Manticore

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The teen couple Brenda and Dylan are out of the hospital and are at Creepy Spooky Terror Land and just want to relax and ride a few rides.

Brenda: Dylan, are you sure it's a good idea to go to an amusement park after just getting out of the hospital? I mean we were kidnapped and man-handled by a really mean man-crab. I believe it's crab-handled, not man-handled. And it was all bogus, remember?

Dylan: They caught the guy. Creepy, Spooky Terrorland is totally safe. Besides, attendance is so bad, the tickets are super cheap.

Worker: Hey, hey. Ride the Nauseator. No waiting, ever.

They go onto the ride as the worker activates it and is strapped in.

Brenda: Hey, this thing is pretty-

Before they can finish, they are sent into the air.

Brenda: Oh, my sternum.

Dylan: Look at that view, Bren. You can see all of Crystal Cove from here.

Brenda: You're right. From up here, it doesn't look like such a scary place to live. And maybe everything will turn out all right for us.

Dylan: Oh, Brenda.

Brenda: Oh, Dylan.

They try to kiss but can't.

Dylan: Let's table our emotional embrace.

Brenda: Totes. At least we're together and safe.

They hear a loud growl and see a manticore and it attacks them, flying off with them.

Manticore: These grounds are now the domain of the Manticore.

The Manticore drops the seat and the couple crashes.

Woker: Hey, hey. Ride the Nauseator. No waiting, ever.

At Destroido, Angel arrives on a motorcycle wearing a black jumpsuit. She goes into a sewer and avoids the security guards, cameras, and makes it to a lower level with lasers. She acrobatically makes it through the lasers without touching one. When she reaches the other side a tube traps her and Ed Machine comes out of a secret door.

Angel: If I'd known this was all it'd take to get your attention, I'd have just rung the bell. I want to see Mr. E. now.

Ed disables the tube and enters Mr. E's lair, where Mr. E is playing a song on his electrical guitar as multiple cameras watching over Crystal Cove while on one screen is Mr. E when he was young with Y/N's parents.

Angel: The Mystery, Inc. kids have found a piece of the planospheric disc.

Mr. E: So now, we know where two of the pieces are. Good work, Angel.

Angel: Just remember, I'm working with you, not for you, E. I'm worried about those kids.

Mr. E: Why?

Angel: Pericles is loose, and that nutso parrot might go after the piece, which puts them in danger and us, if the remaining former members of our club get wind of it.

Mr. E: Don't worry, little Angel. The other two won't move a muscle as long as Fred Jones is still alive.

At City Hall, the gang was meeting with Mayor Jones.

Mayor Jones: Look, this isn't easy for me, but I need your help.

Fred: Our help? Dad. Are we bonding? Look at me! I'm shaking!

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