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Shaggy and Scooby are watching a Vincent Van Ghoul movie containing zombies. In the movie, Van Ghoul gets bitten as the lover, Weena opens the door for him, and he runs in as the lover slams the door. The lover treats his wounds.

Weena: Darling, why did you go out there?

Van Ghoul: I was hoping we could escape, make our way to Schaffhausen, find other humans, try to-

Weena: Shh. Just rest. I'll get a bandage.

Van Ghoul: No. A zombie bite- There's nothing that can be done for me now. Already I feel myself changing, becoming like them!

Weena: Don't say that. You'll be fine. We'll just use more antiseptic.

She pours the antiseptic on the bite and Van Ghoul screams in pain.

Van Ghoul: Promise me. Promise me you'll bolt the door and never let me in.

Weena: No. I-

Van Ghoul: You can't let me in. No matter how much I scream and wail, you mustn't let me in!

The lover hugs him.

Weena: No! You'll be fine. You'll see.

She looks and Van Ghoul is a zombie. She screamed and pushed him out the door.

Weena: Get out. Get out!

Van Ghoul: Bolt the door, now!

Van Ghoul tries to attack but Weena slams the door and locks it.

Van Ghoul: I was just kidding before. Seriously, I think I left the burners in the kitchen on. Weena!

Weena Sobs as the zombies surround her.

Van Ghoul: Let me in. Let me in. Weena. Let me in. Let me in!

Scooby and Shaggy then hear a knock at the door and answer it and see Vicent Van Ghoul.

Van Ghoul: Hello.

Scooby and Shaggy stared at him scared.

Shaggy: Like, don't eat our brains, Mr. Zombie. They're not very good.

Van Ghoul: Whatever are you talking about?

He sees the movie.

Van Ghoul: Oh. Heh, heh. How charming. You're watching one of my old pictures, "Me, Zombie. " Not a bad performance by myself, as I recall, but that actress was always forgetting her lines, and her breath reeked of scallions.

Scooby and Shaggy: Huh?

Shaggy: Like, I don't believe it. You're Vincent Van Ghoul.

Scooby: The movie star.

Van Ghoul: In the flesh. Congratulations, boys. You won.

Shaggy and Scooby: Won what?

Van Ghoul: The "Have dinner with Vincent Van Ghoul" essay contest.

Shaggy: Like, we entered months ago. Heh, heh. I totally forgot.

Van Ghoul: Your essay was inspiring. "Like, having dinner with, like, Vincent Van Ghoul at his house would be, like, the most coolest thing in, like, the whole, like, history of cool things, like." Rarely have words stirred me to such emotion.

Shaggy: Like, how 'bout that, Scooby, old pal? Out of thousands of entries, our essay was the best.

Van Ghoul: Well, there weren't exactly thousands, just 2, yours and one from an Eskimo boy who wrote the whole thing in Inuit. Well, time to go. Our chariot awaits. I've been cooking all day. We mustn't tarry. I don't want the fondue to get lumpy.

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