Web of the Dreamweaver

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Horbert Feist was sleeping when he started to have a nightmare.

Horbert: Wait. No. H-how did you find me? No! No!

He wakes up.

Horbert: He's after me! I gotta get out of here! I gotta get out of here!

He gets out of bed and runs.

Horbert Wife: Horbert, if you're going to the bathroom, please put the seat down when you're finished.

Horbert drives his car through the glass as he speeds off as he crashes through a gate.

Horbert: I have to find a way out!

He drive through Crystal Cove.

Horbert: After all these years, I can't let him get me!

He then drives to the Crystal Cove Assurance Bank.

Horbert: What? Huh? No! No! No!

He jumps out of the car just before it crashes into the building as his car and the bank is destoryed. He then see the person coming out from the fire.

Horbert: No. No, not you! II thought you were gone!

He had very white skin, sharp teeth and black messy hair, with glowing red eyes. He wore a black suit with a cape. He had almost the appearance of a vampire. He carries a glowing purple orb. 

The next morning, Y/N woke up in Blake's house. Y/N asked permission to live with them and they agreed, and Y/N asked for one more and they agreed. Soon after Daphne and Y/N went to Shaggy's house where the others were waiting. Hot Dog Water had her eyes closed.

Shaggy: Like, keep your eyes closed A bit longer. Ok, open 'em.

She opens her eyes revealing the gang and desserts.

Gang: Surprise!

Shaggy comes in with long hair.

Shaggy: Pancake bolognese?

Scooby puts Hot Dog Water on the chair and Shaggy begins to feed her.

Scooby: Ah, nice back rub?

Hot Dog Water: Uh, what's this all about?

Everyone's faces turned sad.

Hot Dog Water: V? What's going on?

Velma: Well, um, Marcy... remember how I brought you in to take Daphne's and Y/Ns places? Now that's Daphne and Y/N are back, I-we...

Marcy left the house as Velma chased her.

Velma: Marcy, I'm sorry. I fought for you to stay. But, well, it's always been the six of us.

Hot Dog Water: Forget it. Velma, I knew things were temporary. I thought maybe you and me...

Velma: You and I.

Hot Dog Water: Yeah, right, whatever. It's just, I never really had a friend before, and I was hoping you would put our friendship before Mystery Incorporated. But I guess not. See you around.

She leaves as Velma goes back inside. Hot Dog Water then calls Mr. E.

Hot Dog Water: E? Yeah, it's me. No, it happened just like you said. Moment Daphne and Y/N came back, I was out. Don't worry, I got it handled. I got Velma right where I want her, and she doesn't suspect a thing.

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