Through the Curtain

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While walking through the gateway, Y/N hears the Evil Entity contact him in his mind from the crystal sarcophagus.

Evil Entity: Soon! Soon I will be free! The time of the Nibiru is nearly at hand. The planets are coming into alignment, working toward my release, as are you and your friends, brother. Even though you know it not, I forged you. You are my proudest creation. So come now, brother of Nibiru. Be strong and set your brother free so that I may bathe this world in fire.

Y/N shakes his head as he drowns out his brother's voice and continues to walk with the gang. 

The gang follows the original Mystery, Inc. through the caverns.

Brad: Judy, I have to say, this dark cave is doing wonders for your complexion.

Judy: Really? It's so nice of you to notice. Thank you, Brad.

Brad: You're welcome, Judy. In this light, I can barely see your multitude of wrinkles and your mouth full of decaying teeth.

Judy: That's it, Bradley!

Judy tackles Brad and fights him.

Professor Pericles: Stop it! You two are behaving like children.

The Kriegstaffebots pull Judy off as Judy kicks Brad.

Mr. E: The cursed treasure is tearing us apart. I wish Cassidy, F/N, and M/N were here to see you all go to pieces.

Professor Pericles: Oh, Ricky, you always lacked the stomach for greatness. Forward! Marschieren!

They continue to march forward as Judy and Brad stare at each other angrily. The gang sees them on the move.

Fred: They're on the move.

Y/N: Let's go.

They continue to follow as Shaggy pulls out his last hamburger.

Shaggy: Like, Scooby-Doo, old pal, this is it.

Scooby: The last hamburger.

Shaggy: We've already eaten all of our snacks. I was saving this for an emergency.

Scooby: This is an emergency. That's the last hamburger.

The two eat the hamburger.

Scooby: Looks like we're roughing it from here, Raggy.

The Original Mystery Incorporated reaches the first gate as they stop.

Professor Pericles: Beautiful.

Brad: I'm sorry to ask, Professor Pericles, but-

Judy: What are we waiting for?

Professor Pericles: The kinder. I know they are out there following us. Give them a minute. They will soon understand their part in all this. But they must hurry. The planets are nearly in full alignment. The time of Nibiru is almost at hand.

The gang all watches the group.

Shaggy: Like, dig those crazy symbols on those gigantico doors.

Y/N: The dream world.

Shaggy: The what world?

Velma: The dream world. The keys. Everything we saw, it finally makes sense.

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