Art of Darkness

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At the Pretenso Gallery an art exhibition is opening as a band sings.

Eeko: The Captain said you better take care. And all the fish are crying. The gardener is clipping the wicker man's chin. Because the flowers are lying.

Man: Genius. I think.

Sheriff Stone and Mayor Nettles are together looking at a piece of art.

Sheriff Stone: Observe the delicate line, the vibrant texture, the witty use of chiaroscuro. It's a masterpiece.

Mayor Nettles: It, um, looks like a foot.

Sheriff Stone: Philistine.

Brad and Judy are together as Cassidy walks up to them.

Cassidy: Brad? Judy? We've got to talk.

Brad: Not a good time, Cassidy.

Eeko: And what will you do if you see a caribou? Better run and get some hunters.

Randy Warsaw is getting ready to present his new masterpiece.

Randy: Hipsters and rich people, I, Randy Warsaw. The most modern artist of the modern century will unveil my new greatest masterpiece. Behold...

He takes off the cloth revealing a pile of junk.

Randy: "Junk".

Everyone claps when suddenly Junk comes alive, and the lights are cut off.

Randy: It isn't supposed to do that.

Junk attacks Randy but Randy manages to avoid his attacks as Junk grabs Eeko, swallows her and then collapses, leaving her as a golden statue.

In Mystery Incorporated's office, the gang was in the basement trying to find a new mystery when Velma calls them over.

Velma: Hey, gang, check this out. "Last night's art opening of renowned artist Randy Warsaw "turned to tragedy as Eeko, lead singer of the emo art band Sunday Around Noonish, after being sucked into the sculpture, Eeko emerged frozen, rigid in the form of..."

Mayor Nettles wheels in the golden statue of Eeko and everyone but Velma sees it.

Shaggy: Like, let me guess. A living work of art?

Velma: Uh, yeah. How did you know?

She then turns and sees the golden statue.

Mayor Nettles: Mystery Incorporated. Crystal Cove needs your help. Someone is trying to destroy Randy Warsaw. Randy Warsaw is a highly treasured citizen of Crystal Cove. His graffiti art of our famous monsters has really put this town on the cultural map.

Y/N: Let us guess, you need our help?

Daphne: You want us to investigate last nights attack?

Velma: Solve the mystery?

Fred: Catch the culprit in a freakishly intelligent trap?

Shaggy: And eat all the free finger food?

Mayor Nettles: In a word yes. And I need to put this in here. This um... used to be the storage room.

She then leaves as the gang gets in the Mystery Machine and drives off.

Velma: Alright gang, I think the best way to investigate this is to just blend in.

They enter as Randy sees the gang.

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