Howl of the Fright Hound

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While the guards at the Animal Asylum were having their break.

Male 1: Oh, please! Please stop! Ohh! Stop! Please no more! No more! No more!

They see the officer pouring coffee.

Willard: What's that? I had the volume down on my hearing aid.

Male 2: Willard, you know I can't drink that much coffee. It aggravates my plumbing.

Suddenly a rumble is felt.

Male 1: Hey what is that?

Male 2: What is it?

The officer then goes on to the PA.

Male 1: Breach in Sector A. Emergency lockdown.

The alarm sounds and the three officers grab shotguns as three others join them. They aim their shotguns as the wall breaks open and a dog with red eyes comes out. It then attacks the officers as more officers come in trying to detain it, but they all fail, and the officers all run away. 

The next day, the gang was sitting near the school.

Shaggy: Like, another boring day of regular boring old school.

Velma: I'm sure we could find some way to spice things up.

Scooby gets between them.

Scooby: Yum, spicy! Like spicy meatballs.

Velma: Ugh. You know, sometimes I feel like a side of mayo on a Shaggy-Scooby sandwich.

Shaggy and Scooby: Yum. Mayo.

Y/N: Wait, does Shaggy still need to choose?

Velma: You're right. It's time you made a choice dog... or me?

Shaggy: Um... Yeah.

Suddenly the gang saw a giant spider and goes on a car.

Ethan: Dude, my paint job.

The antenna on another car is broken.

Gary: My chubby, the chipmunk educational antenna ball.

Y/N: What the what is that?

Fred: It's a mystery, Y/N. And the only thing that'll stop a mystery is a trap.

The Spider goes to the gang and stops as Jason comes up with a controller.

Jason: That or an ingeniously fashioned remote control. Ha, ha! Look, Velma, all those jocks and popular cower when faced with my mechanical menace. Who's in charge now, jocks and populars?

Both Gary and Ethan grab Jason and give him a wedgie and throw him.

Gary and Ethan: We are!

Ethan: You're buying me a new paint job, dork.

Jason: A small price to pay, eh, Velma?

Daphne: Velma, do you know this boy?

Jason: Know me? Why she's talked to me. And she's a girl who isn't my mother.

Velma: Everyone, this is Jason.

Jason: We were in the Junior Robotics Club together. As in Velma and Jason. Together.

Velma: Listen, Jason.

Jason: We used the same toolbox. And once, she touched my knuckle.

Velma: Seriously, Jason, can you please-

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