The Siren's Song

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Skipper Shelton's brother is on a boat with his crew.

Kelper: Let's hope old Neptune has been kind to us this time.

The crew pulls up an empty net.

Kelper: Salty scallops, empty again! I hate to say it, but our only choice now is Dead Man's Point.

Crew Member 1: But isn't Dead Man's Point haunted?!

Kelper: Aye, 'tis what they say, and we probably won't come back alive. But don't forget, we're fishermen. We do stupid things all the time!

They reach Dead Man's Point and a fog rolls in.

Kelper: This fog is thicker than sea poop. Always slays me sea poop.

The crew pulled up the net full of fish.

Kelper: Now that's more like it!

Something swims behind him.

Kelper: Huh? What in the world?

Something cuts the net freeing the fishes and multiple Fish Freaks land on the ship. The two crew members ran.

Crew Member 1: The legend is true! Fish Freaks!

They surround them as they run but another one breaks through the floor and screeches.

Kelper: We're doomed!

The Fish Freaks surround them again and attack.

At the Crstal Cove Spooky Muesum Daphne is with Y/N.

Daphne: I love the haunted museum when it's empty. It reminds me so much of us. Oh, look, flim flam! Remember him, Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah, I miss the kid. He was clever.

Daphne: Ohh, so tragic. stretch, even for a pre-teen con artist.

Daphne then sees a statue of Scrappy Doo.

Daphne: Wow, I haven't seen-

Y/N: Nope. Not a word, Daph. We all promised each other that we would never speak of him, not after what he did.

They walk away. Night came and Shaggy and Scooby were at the Bloody Stake as the waitress comes over with more food.

Waitress: The manager says this is the last main course platter for you guys.

Shaggy: But, like, this is your all- you-can-gorge night. You have to keep feeding us.

Scooby: Yeah, that's right.

Waitress: All-you-can-gorge only applies to amateur diners. You guys are pros.

Shaggy: Well, she's got us there, Scoob. You want to know how we do it, miss vampire waitress?

Waitress: I'll bite.

Shaggy: Like, we call it the all-gulp no-air eating technique. By building our lung capacity, we can hold our breath and literally inhale as much food as we want. Show her, Scooby Doo.

Scooby eats everything in a matter of seconds.

Waitress: You two have way too much free time.

At Velma's home she was on her computer.

Velma: Hey out there, mystery lovers. Velma here. No mysteries to report. Just another Friday night. I'm by myself, as usual, and you know what? That's ok. What's so bad about sitting in your room alone on a Friday night?

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