When The Cicada Calls

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At Destroido, Kelsepsian is walking out of the building to his car when he gets a phone call.

Kelsepsian: On my way home now, darling.

???: You did not heed my warning.

Kelsepsian: Honey, what's wrong with your voice? It's so deep. Wait a minute. Is this that nut again?

???: I told you if you did quit your job at Destroido and leave forever something terrible will happen to you.

Kelsepsian: And I told you, I don't appreciate prank calls! My sister-in-law is a paralegal, and if this keeps up, I'm suing you! Go suck a lemon!

He hangs up.

Kelsepsian: Oh, boy! The nerve of some people!

He drives off and stops at a stop light when a cicada lands on his windshield.

Kelsepsian: Ew. It's one of those cicada things. I hate those bugs.

He uses his wiper to hit it off. The light turns green and drives as more and more cicada land on the car. Eventually they make it into the car as a horde of cicadas swarms the car as more makes it inside the car.

Kelsepsian: What's going on? Hey. Go away! Come on! Shoo. Shoo. I give up!

Kelsepsian swerves his car as the cicada attacks him and he drives his car off a cliff, crashing the car. The cicadas come together and form a massive cicada.

???: I warned you.

The next morning the gang was in class with Dr. Yantz who is teaching the class.

Dr. Yantz: The cicada, the most perfect insect in a decidedly imperfect world.

Dr. Yantz kisses the cicada.

Y/N: Okay, ew.

Fred: Did he just kiss a bug?

Daphne: He may be cute, but he's not the one I have my eyes on.

Daphne and Y/N look at each other and smile.

Dr. Yantz: The cicada's life cycle is fascinating. As grub, they burrow into the ground where they spend the next seventeen years.

Scooby was eating chips and tapped Velma's shoulder.

Scooby: Psst! Want one?

Velma: Not from you I don't.

Scooby: Oh. Can we just be friends?

Velma: Ask me in seventeen years.

Dr. Yantz: Changes in our ecosystem, though could wipe out the precious cicada which is why we need to keep watch on companies who pollute nature. Isn't that right, Shaggy and Scooby?

Both Scooby and Shaggy were not paying attention as their were eating chips.

Scooby: Huh?

Shaggy: Pardon?

Dr. Yantz: Are you aware that Grandma Moonbeam's Nature Silvers are manufactured by Destroido? And every bite you take supports the biggest polluter in Crystal Cove?

Shaggy: No. But they're, like, super good.

Scooby: Yeah. Want one?

Dr. Yantz: I don't even know why I let you take this class.

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