The House of the Nightmare Witch

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In Russia, two people in suits climb on a clocktower and shoots a grappling line to the museum as they go over using the line and enter from the roof. They then see Baba Yaga's house with Baba Yaga on the porch.

???: Jinkies. That is one crazy witch.

The two masks were lifted up and it was Velma and Hot Dog Water. Velma talks to someone on her wraist communicator.

Velma: Eagle one, we're in. Hot Dog Water and I are in front of the Baba Yaga exhibit. Entering now.

Secuirty Guard: Who is there?

A guard enters and looks around.

Security Guard: Show yourselves!

He walks past the two who are wearing a disguise and Velma grabs Hot Dog Waters hand and runs off.

Velma: Eagle one, we couldn't get in Baba Yaga's house. The guard showed up.

Velma is talking to Mr. E.

Mr. E: Unfortunate. Time for plan B. Buy the exhibit and ship it to Crystal Cove.

The guard goes over to the Baba Yaga's house and was about to leave when he heard a crackling. He turns to Baba Yage and she slowly turns her head and attacks the gaurd. At Crystal Cove High, Velma and Hot Dog Water are talking.

Hot Dog Water: Did you ask them yet, V.?

Velma: Not yet, but I'm going to. Don't worry, Hot Dog Water. I think it's a great idea.

Hot Dog Water: Cool. Oh, and by the way, my real name? It's Marcie.

Scooby, Shaggy, and Fred who got his beard cut off enters the school.

Shaggy: Like, here you are, Fred, back at Crystal Cove High.

Fred: It feels so strange to be back. Do you think anyone will remember us?

Ethan: Well, look who's back, the mystery dorks.

Ethan and Gary walk up to Fred.

Fred: Hey, Ethan. Hey, Gary. How's the team-

A soccer ball is thrown at Fred, knocking him to the ground.

Ethan: Well, let's see, we had to foreit the championship when you disappeared, resulting in both of us losing our scholarships, and thanks to you, we're not going to college next year. Way to ensure our future ignorance and future, Fred.

Ethan and Gary walk off as Fred gets up.

Fred: Looks like nothing has changed.

Then they see Y/N and Daphne exiting the school holding hands as they walk past the gang, smiling.

Velma: We have to look at the facts. Daphne and Y/N are not ready to come back, and they might never be. But we're severely out of balance without them. I think we all remember our recent crybaby clown fiasco.

Scooby: I wish I could forget.

Velma: We all do. You know what we need.

Shaggy: A big basket of comfort food?

Scooby: Yeah, like deep-fried chili clam poppers.

Velma: No. We need a new Daphne and Y/N, and I have just the person.

Velma pulls Hot Dog Water in.

Gang: Hot Dog Water?

Fred: Aren't you supposed to be in prison for pretending to be a manticore?

Hot Dog Water: I got early probation for redesigning the prison's computer system to be more brutal and unforgiving.

Velma: Her real name is Marcie, and as part of that probation, I agreed to take her under my wing.

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