Witch's deal

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During the weekend, I had been bothered by my brothers again. Apparently, they wanted me to play with them. I was more satisfied to be on my own. Even though Linus and Leander yelled back at me. I told Mom about what the problem was. Linus made the lame excuse that I am some kind of bully. The truth is that Linus and Leander are the real bullies. Or they are just remind me of bullies. That all happened on Saturday. They were very angry at me. On Sunday, I fell down the stairs thanks to Leander. I was limping to the dining room table. "Please, don't abandon us again. The fall down the stairs is your punishment." Linus pleaded. When I told Mom about this. She had Leander and Linus sit at the dining room table. All they did was they sat silently at the dining room. Mom allowed me to bicycle to town alone. I felt happy just to get away from my siblings. The nice tropical climate was perfect again. I had to savor every moment. Then I saw Gaby's parents walking along the sidewalk next to the beach.

The beach was still under repairs from the giant crab attack. I noticed that her parents were feeling glum. They told me what happened. I couldn't believe that Gaby would disappear like that without leaving a note. Then again, I don't think Gaby would ever want to leave the house in the middle of the night. That's when I thought about Mrs. Darkblood. She could have snuck through the town during the night, and kidnap Gaby. That made me feel scared and sad at the same time. That she might have used Gaby for food! I continued riding my bike along the bike road. Then I rode towards the part of the island where Mrs. Darkblood's house was. I stopped my bike and stared at the pathway that went to her house. I had a feeling that I was going to be coming back here sometime. I didn't want to think about it. Then I remembered the house that was getting built next door to my house. I did a U-turn on the road and went towards that house that was under construction. I think I did see somebody that carried some water pipes in a small trailer. I drove and watched the bicycle with the water pipes as it stopped next to the house that was under construction. Upon a closer look, there appears to be a small room that was going to be included as a third floor to this house. Then I went home and told my mother what I have seen. "That house is coming along nicely. I can't understand how its being built so fast." Mom noted. Then I told her that shocking news about Gaby. "Oh dear. I hope that they find her soon." She commented. Then she went to do her own thing in the house. My brothers were no longer in the dining room. I think that they might have gone to their own rooms. When I came upstairs, I could hear nothing. Then I heard the sound of the doorbell. I went downstairs. Mom answered the door. Mrs. Darkblood stood outside.

Before Mom was about to call for me, I showed up right next to her. "Hi Mrs. Darkblood. Nice day isn't it?" I questioned. "It sure is. I just came over to see if you would be available to come for a bike ride with me." The EA wondered. I felt scared, but it was also another opportunity for me to get away from my brothers. "Of course I can ride my bike today. This sun is making me feel happy today. Just let me get my helmet." I went to find it. Mom walked outside in the small front yard. She told Mrs. Darkblood about the student that went missing. "That's shocking! I would never guess that she would disappear in the middle of the night like that. I don't think she would want to do that." The EA teacher responded. "I agree. There's not too many places on the island where you would hide. You might run into a few small crabs, and the snake that's slithering around. I still don't see the point of hiding here. She couldn't have just swam out to sea. That's too dangerous." Mom voiced her concern. "I'm sure that she would reappear sometime when we least expect it." Mrs. Darkblood adduced. I had gotten out from the house with my bike helmet on. Then I went to the bike shed so that I can get my bike from out of there. "I'm ready Mrs. Darkblood." I announced. "Excellent. We will only be out for a short while. We are just going to do a tour of the island." The EA teacher explained. Mom waved to me, and I rode behind the EA teacher. We drove through the town of Shell Shore. Everything about it remained the same from when I came here for the first time today. After we passed through town, Mrs. Darkblood began to talk. "I'm sure that Gaby will show up sooner or later. She can't have gone far." She mentioned. "Who would want to kidnap Gaby?" I asked the EA teacher. "Hold on Leo. We don't know if it was a kidnapping or if it was just a case of Gaby wanting to run away." She responded.

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