Swim Day

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I had just gotten to school. "Morning Leo. Morning Leander. Morning Linus." Nixie called out to us. "Morning Nixie." My siblings and I spoke in unison. "Are you ready for the swim day tomorrow?" Mrs. Oceania questioned. "I can't wait." I responded. "I'm worried about Leander. He can get into trouble since he likes to go out of bounds on the beach." Linus implied. "Don't worry, there are plenty of volunteers that are going to be looking out for everybody that is swimming tomorrow. If Leander gets into trouble, then it will be his fault then." Mrs. Oceania insisted. I went in the middle school with Nixie and Mrs. Oceania. The students were talking about the big swim day tomorrow. Some of the students told us they want to be a part of the swim day too. Then the teacher began to teach us for the day.

Everybody was focused on the school subject. They tried their best to make sense of it. Then it was the first recess of the day. Nixie and I were playing basketball with the rest of the middle schoolers. We had a good time. When it came to playing soccer during the next recess, Nixie and I played a bit. Then we leaned against the school walls. "So, what's new with you Nixie?" I asked. "Nothing today. Though you already know that I like it to be Autism Day. That's because I get to swim. That's actually one of the few things that I love doing." Nixie contended. "Wait! Do you swim back at your parent's home?" I interrogated. "Of course I do. Actually, I get to swim whenever I can." Nixie replied. "Then, you must have had a big swimming pool." I commented. Nixie thought and then said. "I swim in a body of water close to where my parents' house is. I don't have a pool. I just can't wait to get back home after so long. But I'm worried that my parents' enemies are going to be doing something bad to them." Nixie's tone turned into an anxious one. "I'm sorry Nixie. I didn't know. I'm sure that you will get back to your home one of these days." I rendered with a calm demeanor. "I'm sure I will. But I think I will be missing a few things about this island." Nixie divulged. "What is there to miss Nixie? Your new friends? The fun things you get to do on the island?" I asked. "Of course. I can't forget the fun and spooky times I had with you Leo. There was that palm tree farm, then there was that creature with tentacles that tried to kidnap me." Nixie spoke while remembering. "Then there was that windsailing competition that we won in." I put across. "Nobody could forget that skeleton shark. Where did it come from? There's probably a lot of stuff about the sea that even I didn't know about." Nixie adduced. "I hope that there's nothing in the sea that is going to be coming after us during swim day." I disclosed.

"I hope so too." Nixie added. Then there was a smile on her face. "Leo." "Yes Nixie?" I wondered. "How about during swim day, after you put your swimsuit on, you could come to my house? I'm sure my guardians are going to be fine with it." Nixie proposed. "I think so too. In fact, I think we could talk to Mrs. Oceania when we get back into the school building." I contended. "That's a good idea. Then I can tell my idea to Mr. Barnacle. When Mrs. Oceania and I run into him." Nixie stated. The rest of the day was calm. A bit too calm. There was something watching us from the water.

It was the upper half of a creature's head. The only thing distinguishable thing seen about this creature that one might see is that it had black eyes. The only other thing about the head that one would notice about it was that the head reminded anybody of a shark's head. The head of the creature dipped under the surface. Then it was time for everybody to go home. Mom bicycled to the school parking lot. She waited for my siblings and myself to come out. Mrs. Oceania and Nixie came out at the same time. "Mrs. Xenos?" Mrs. Oceania called. Mom stared at the EA teacher. "Would it be alright if Leo changed early and come to our house? Nixie has invited him over before swim day could begin." The EA teacher described. "Of course. I would be happy to send him over tomorrow." Mom stated. Nixie smiled after hearing those words. Then I went home with my family. Nixie and her guardian were ahead of us. They went to their house. Mom let us in, and she bicycled back to Shell Shore. It was calm while at home. Leander thought it would be a good idea to try and wrestle me. But then I summoned my tentacles. They whipped the floor in front of him two times. That made my two brothers nervous. They thought that I wasn't kidding around. Leander went to the living room alone. I walked up the stairs towards my room. I started to work on my homework right away. I don't know what Linus was going to be doing. I wasn't sure if Leander was scared of me right now. He might be resting in the living room. But I wasn't sure about that. After I finished my homework, I looked at the clock. Mom should be coming home in about twenty minutes. I felt happy not having my siblings coming to my room. I thought that it was silly of Leander to try and mess with me when he knew that I had these tentacles. Linus started to work on his homework. He wasn't sure about any of his siblings. He was sure that he couldn't trust any of them. After a short while later, Mom came home. She had brought only three grocery bags with her.

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