An adventure to the Apeilitikos Trench

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I was woken up by the sound of knocking. I sat up on the bed I slept in. It was then I swam over to the only window with curtains covering it. I pulled away the curtains. The light from the surface landed on the floor close to the window. There was the sound of knocking that occurred again. I swam over to the door. I unlocked it. The door was opened a second later. Princess Nixie was standing outside with two guards. "Good morning. Did you have a good sleep?" Nixie questioned. "Yes. How are you today?" I asked. "I'm fine. But I am worried about the kingdom. The sharkpeople can invade this place any day now." Nixie expressed. "Don't worry. I'm sure that they will have to pass through me to get that done. I won't let that happen." I stated. Nixie was still worried.

The princess held out her right hand. "Come on. Breakfast is getting prepared. The king and queen are expecting you." She insisted. I held onto her hand. The guards took us to the dining room. The king and queen were sitting at their usual seats. "Greetings Leo. I hope that you slept well last night." The king adduced. "I did." I answered. Then I noticed something on the royal parents' wrists. I think I may have seen them when I was in the throne room. They looked like bracelets. These bracelets were gold in color. There were some white, clear, and transparent diamonds that were incorporated into the piece of jewelry. "Your highness." I called. "Yes?" The king pumped. "I can't help but notice that bracelet you have on." I pointed out. "Oh yes. This isn't some ordinary bracelet. This bracelet signifies that I am married. On the surface world, the land dwellers are wearing rings to signify that they are dating, engaged, or married for that matter." The king explained. "The only reason why these bracelets look so expensive is that as the king and queen, we could have the craftsman from the kingdom craft the finest pieces of jewelry. We respect everybody here for what they are." The queen added. The breakfast we had for today is some caviar, and some seaweed. "Please. Do not be surprised about the stuff that we eat here. For we eat things that are cultivated on the floor of this ocean. There are farmers in a small town outside of this kingdom. They provide the food that we eat. On the surface, the land dwellers consider caviar to be an expensive delicacy. That is also true here. But in certain parts of the ocean that is." The king explained. "Leo. As queen, I have an important task for you. You need to watch my little princess. No telling when those sharkpeople are going to attack." The royal mother demanded. "Mother, I am also concerned about the kingdom too. Don't leave me out of things! I want to do something important for the kingdom too." Nixie protested. "That is a brave thing to say Princess Nixie. Right now, we need you here. The sharkpeople can sneak in here and take you away. It will be then that they will try to use you as ransom. A ransom that would force us to hand over the kingdom to our enemies." The king divulged. "With the Dark Chosen on our side Father. We can claim victories over our enemies." Nixie observed. I said nothing.

"I am aware of that. But it doesn't hurt to be safe then sorry. Please Leo. Look after our daughter." The king requested. I nodded my head. "Today, there are rumors that there is a sharkpeople army forming in Apeilitikos Trench. The deepest trench located next to our kingdom. I am sending some scouts there to investigate. Until then, we have to stay cautious for the time being." The king announced. Nixie felt a bit sad while finishing her breakfast. The queen swam from where she was sitting and stood behind Nixie. "There, there. It's just because as the queen and king of Poseidonae, we want to make sure you are safe. You know that we look out for your interests. But there are plenty of dangers in the world that should be avoided, and we don't want you to get caught up in them." The queen calmly informed the princess. After we all finished breakfast, a servant came with those fancy mints. After making sure a mint melts in my mouth, I looked over at Nixie. After what her mother has told her, she wasn't convinced by what she said. When it looked like Nixie was ready to stand up, I swam over to where she was sitting. I helped gently pull the chair away. Nixie stood up from where she was sitting. "Thank you. Please hold my hand." Her left hand was held out. I held onto it. Nixie swam away and I helped her push her chair back in. I swam alongside her above a walkway. This walkway gave us a great view of the city. Then we looked down. There was a group of six mersoldiers that left the castle. They rode along the main street of the city. They soon left through the city's main gate. "I know what my mother and father said. They do mean well." Nixie began.

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