Return of a big army

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It was five days after I had received my latest prediction from the soothsayer. I was woken up by the sound of knocking on the bedroom door. I opened the door and Nixie was waiting for me along with two guards. "Good morning Leo." She told me. "Good morning Nixie." I responded. Nixie held out her hand. I held onto it. We both swam towards the throne room. This usually doesn't happen. "My parents have some important news. Breakfast can wait for a short while." Nixie whispered. We both arrived at the doors to the throne room. The king stared down from his throne as we both swam in. Then we both bowed to them. "Good morning your highnesses." I mentioned. "Good morning to you to Leo. We have summoned you and the princess here because one of our scouts has delivered some bad news to us." The queen opined. Nixie and I stared at the royal couple.

"Yes. The sharkpeople army is swimming here to conquer the city today. So the best thing for you and Nixie is that after breakfast, you will have to hide someplace. My wife and I will stay here to welcome the invaders." The king adduced. "You mean that you're giving the kingdom away to the sharkpeople who tried to kill you?" I pumped. I was feeling alarmed inside. "Don't worry Leo. We didn't mean that. We meant that we will be attacking the enemy once they get into the castle." The king explained. "I will be using father's sword to help defend the kingdom. While my little princess will be protected by the Dark Chosen. You two need to come up with a good hiding place. This castle doesn't have any secret passages. So using your imagination will be important." The queen stated. Nixie and I looked at each other. I was also thinking about the prediction that the soothsayer told me. Then the king and queen came with us to the dining room. "Your highness?" I called. "Yes young one. Are you thinking about a great hiding place? The king questioned. "Yes. I just need to know where the sharkpeople are going to be attacking the city from?" I divulged. "The enemy is going to attack the city gates first. Then they will be moving onto the castle walls. I also think that there might be some enemy forces that could be attacking from behind the castle. That information hasn't been confirmed yet." The king elaborated. "I know how the princess can be safe." I answered. Then I explained my plan. The queen thought that it seemed like a good plan. The king wasn't so sure of it. There was one bedroom with a balcony that was sealed from the inside. One boulder was moved to block the balcony door from the outside. The doors to the room were locked on the inside. Instead of Nixie and myself hiding inside of that room. There was a mersoldier hiding there. He was waiting to attack the first enemy that dared to enter this room. The room that Nixie and I were hiding in was a few rooms away from it. There wasn't a boulder that was blocking the door to the balcony. Though the doors to the room will be locked from the inside. The room that had the boulder on the balcony was guarded by guards from the hallway. Nixie and I had finished our flounder breakfast.

The king had the plans of where we were to hide revealed to a few soldiers. They quickly went to work on fortifying the rooms that I requested. Nixie was afraid that we might get caught by the sharkpeople army. After taking a mint, the princess and I stood up from where we were sitting. There were guards standing outside of the dining room. I held onto Nixie's hand as the guards led us to the chosen room. The guards stopped next to the room. "Don't forget to lock it." One of the guards advised me. I nodded to him. The princess and I swam into the room. Then we closed and locked the door behind us. The mersoldiers swam away. The door to the balcony was firmly locked. The princess made sure that the door was locked. Then she closed the blinds to this room. I helped Nixie as we placed the desk found in this room against the door to the hallway. Then I helped Nixie as we moved some parts of the bed against the door to the balcony. The bedframe was placed against the desk. After we had finished, Nixie and I sat down on the room floor. "This is it. The time where the kingdom might be taken over by the worse creatures known by the whole sea." Nixie commented. "They may be the worse. But I think the prophecy about the Dark Chosen is the only hope that this kingdom has." I asserted. "I would like to believe that. I am afraid of what those sharkpeople might do to my father, mother, and myself." The princess professed. I stared as her nervousness turned into sadness. "I have some bad news to tell you." I rendered. I told Nixie about the prophecy. Nixie put her left hand over my right hand. I looked over to her. The princess had a concerned expression.

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