A new arrival

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When I woke up to find Dad at the dining room table, I felt happy. I gave him a hug and smiled. Leander and Linus did the same thing. On that same day, Dad took us to swim at the beach. The beach only had two other people that were swimming besides us. They were enjoying the beautiful weather just like we were. Then we went back to the house. Dad told us about what he had seen at sea. I told him about the giant crab that had came here recently. He was surprised when he heard the news. I told him that I was just as surprised as he was. Linus told Dad how was he at home. We all had some fun with playing two games at home before supper. Dad had some questions about the house that was being built next door. I told him that construction on that house began a while ago.

On Sunday, it was another beach day. I had a great time playing with my father while swimming. I was trying not to turn into my tentacle merman form. Something interesting also happened while swimming. I looked underwater. While looking around, I was hoping that I could see some wild fish or aquatic animals swimming by. That's when I thought I saw something with a long and big fishtail. Though I couldn't tell what this creature could be. I decided not to tell my family about it. Then I returned home to dry off. Leander and Linus were behaving themselves at least. Dad was making sure that they stayed in line. The next day was a school day. I woke up a little early. I was the first kid in the dining room that day. Dad was cooking some breakfast for us. We were having some pancakes with fish sausages. There was a container of butter that was set in the middle of the table. "Morning Leo." Dad told me. "Morning Dad." I replied. There were the sounds of some people that were coming down the stairs for breakfast. Mom, Leander, and Linus, all came down and sat at their usual spots. "What sort of things are you going to be learning at school?" Dad queried Linus, Leander, and I. "I don't know. But I can tell you once we get back home from school." Linus assured him. "Alright." Dad responded. He had the food set on the table. Then we took our fair share of pancakes and fish sausages. Leander and Linus tried to avoid looking at me. I guess they think that I was a scary monster. I think that I don't have to worry about those two again. After brushing my teeth, and cleaning myself up after Leander, the other family members got a chance to clean themselves up. I made myself a simple jam sandwich. I think that Leander and Linus all had some jam sandwiches as a part of their lunches. Once my whole lunch was made, I was able to pack it in my backpack.

Dad also had a bicycle helmet and bicycle too. Except, he doesn't use it as much when he is out at sea. I waited for the rest of my family at the front yard. The entire family soon came outside. We were all wearing our helmets. Then I noticed something. There were three people that were leaving the new house. I noticed that they all had different bicycles and different helmets. Then I watched as the new neighbors bicycled towards town. I think that one of these people might have been a girl that must have been around my age. "Are those our new neighbors?" Linus asked. "I think so." I answered. Dad led the way into town. Actually, Mom had a head start on us. She bicycled to her workplace. Dad made sure that we had gotten to school on time. Then I saw two of the same neighbors that had their bicycles parked in the parking lot. One of them looked at the sea. After I had my bicycle locked into place, I looked at the sea washing up on the beach. I didn't see anything that might be scary so far. After all of the school staff and the students came, it was nearly time for school to start. I took a good look at the girl neighbor. She had aquamarine hair and had green eyes. She also had light skin and her hair goes till halfway down her back. She was also wearing a white t-shirt that had yellow sleeves. She was also wearing a light blue skirt with pictures of palm trees on it. She seemed a bit nervous herself. I don't know what I should do. I felt nervous just by thinking of meeting her. I was just used to the same old things. That may sound ridiculous to you. The school bell rang. I walked into the middle school. The new neighbors were going to the same classroom that I shared with my classmates. Then I sat at my usual spot. The new classmate sat at Gaby's old spot. The other new neighbor was sitting down at the EA teacher's desk. I looked at the new EA teacher. She had the same skin tone as the girl. But she had sand colored eyes and light brown hair. The new neighbor was also young. She smiled when she saw me. Then I turned my attention to the new student. She looked back at the EA teacher. Then she looked at me. She had a friendly smile that formed on her face. The school intercom was announcing today's news to us. After the intercom finished speaking, we all sat down. "Alright everybody, we have two new people with us today. The first is a brand new student. Please stand up and introduce yourself." The teacher pronounced. The new student stood up. "Hello everybody. My name is Nixie. I am looking forward to knowing each and everyone of you." The new student stated. The new EA teacher stood up too. "My name is Mrs. Oceania, I will be the class's new EA teacher. Like Nixie, I am looking forward to learning everything there is to know about all of you." The new EA teacher implied.

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