A stormy day

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Two days have passed, and they were quiet. I didn't have to rescue anybody. Mom and Dad got me to come home directly for two days straight. It wasn't all bad. Since I get to spend time with Dad. Linus and Leander had a great time playing board games with him. I felt that everything was okay. Leander wasn't causing trouble. Although Dad didn't want to hear about any of that. Linus was the same way too. Mom also played some board games with us when supper was over. I did my homework after supper. Those nights were peaceful too. Then Thursday came. I heard that we were going to be having some stormy weather starting on Friday. I sort of knew about the storms. They come and go from time to time.

The only kind of storms that we would get on the islands would be rain storms. The only thing that the storms would leave behind are puddles. I remembered that Leander would splash in the puddles. We were all outside. It felt a bit colder then usual. We went back inside and put on our rain jackets. Then we went back outside. I watched as my EA teacher, Mr. Barnacle, and Nixie left their house to go to school. A few seconds after they left, that's when I took my bicycle to the bicycle road. My family all did the same thing. I looked towards the trees. I noticed some dark grey clouds in the horizon. That made me feel anxious. Since the storm is coming earlier then expected. The bicycle ride felt pretty smooth. Mom went to work while Dad rode with us to school. We stopped next to the open gate where the school bicycle parking lot was. Leander, Linus, and I placed our bikes in a few parking spots. Our locks held our bikes in place. The EA teacher and Nixie came up to see me. "Hi Leo. How are you today?" Mrs. Oceania asked. "I'm feeling great. Though I don't feel so good about the dark grey clouds nearby." I answered while I shifted my gaze to the dark grey clouds. "That doesn't sound good." Mrs. Oceania commented. "Don't worry Leo. At least the storm won't get bad until tomorrow." Nixie adduced. I hoped that she would be right. "So, are you making some new friends?" I asked. "Well, they seemed to be alright. But I can say that there was one friend that might be special then the rest." Nixie professed. "Really? And who would that be?" I queried. "That's enough Nixie. I'm sure that you have some school work that you need some help on. Isn't that right Leo?" The EA teacher interrogated. I nodded my head a little. "Don't worry Leo, I'm sure that the school work isn't bad." Nixie adduced. "Well, I guess so. But I do like playing some sports during recess." I asserted. "Great, then maybe we can play a few games then?" Nixie grilled with an enthusiastic tone. I did smile and said yes. After a few minutes, everybody showed up at the school. The entire school day went by without anything spooky. Before I left for home, Nixie had a question for me. "Would you like to come over to my house? We're going to have supper ready for you and we can do some homework together if you have any."

I did like the sound of it. Later, Dad came by. I went over to ask him. Then he looked at Nixie and her guardians. The guardians informed him what was going to happen when I was at their house. After getting me home, I immediately went to work on my homework. Leander and Linus had to do their homework too. Dad helped them however he can. I finished quite easily by myself. Mom came home and Dad informed her of what was going to happen on Friday. She did liked the idea of me going over to Nixie's house. But she also felt worried. After we all went to sleep, Mom went to work on a few things. Dad wasn't sure what it was though. Then it was time for Friday, I sort of dreaded today because of the storm. Mom disclosed to me that she had packed a suitcase full of fresh clean clothes along with anything I need to spend the night at somebody else's house. Then I got ready to go outside with my jacket and backpack holding my school lunch. I wasn't sure what to expect from today. When I looked outside, that's when I saw something scary in the sky. It happened to be a dark grey cloud. This didn't seem to be a regular storm cloud. This storm cloud was shaped in the form of a human. This human looked like he had a fist balled up. Almost as if this giant was about to start a fight with someone. I looked back at my family. Then I turned my attention back to the dark grey storm cloud. It was nearly above the island. I saw Nixie and her guardians. They stopped next to the gate that is near my front yard. "Hi Leo. Are you ready for after school?" Nixie asked with a positive expression. "Sure Nixie. But this is before school. And we haven't gotten through school yet." I replied. "Excuse me!" Mom interrupted. She brought out my suitcase. Mr. Barnacle and Mrs. Oceania turned to look at her. "Thanks for inviting my son over for dinner. But I think that you may need this. In case if the storm strikes." Mom brought my suitcase to the gate and opened it. "Don't worry ma'am, I'll take care of this." Mr. Barnacle parked his bike on the right side of the bike road next to the house. Then he carried the suitcase to Nixie's house. After leaving, I brought my bicycle out. I waited for the rest of the family. "You must get to school early." Nixie pointed out. "Every time when it's a school day." I responded. The rest of my family left the house.

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