The palace princess

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I was dragged off to the underwater city. I stayed in the castle dungeon. At least I get some good food while staying here. The only thing I have to do in this dungeon is that I have to wear a shackle chained to the floor. There were four other shackles that were chained to the floor. They weren't used at the moment. I don't recall seeing any other prisoners in this dungeon. I got to stay here during the night. It wasn't very comfortable. At least for merpeople, they can handle the cold ocean water. It took a short while, but I was able to sleep on the stone bench the prisoners would use while in this cell. Afterwards, I was awaken by the sound of metal banging on the bars. I got up and stood up. The shackle chains clanged while I moved. "Breakfast!" A guard announced.

He placed the tray on the bench that I normally sit at. "Tell us. Who do you say you are?" The guard delivering the food interrogated. "You may not believe me. But I am the Dark Chosen." I answered. "Well, Dark Chosen. We have seen some beings who claim to be the Dark Chosen, but they turn out to be frauds." The guard informed me. "How do you explain these tentacles coming from my back? I even saved this city from the giant yesterday. There was some kind of power surging from within me. It only does so whenever I try to do something heroic." I stated. The guard did try to amuse himself by talking to me. But he changed to a serious expression. "Yes. The soldiers did mention to the royal family that you did stop the giant. We the people of Poseidonae thank you." The guard contended. "Then why am I here? I didn't do anything." I asked. "Calm yourself down. The soldiers have to capture anybody that they deem to be suspicious and have discovered our citadel. It shouldn't be a problem. We shall ask you some questions after breakfast. Then we shall alter your mind so that you won't remember being here. We can't afford to be discovered by the land dwellers." The guard swam out of my cell. My cell door was locked. I watched as the guard swam away to another cell. Then I looked down at the tray. It was made out of wood. There was a bowl of something that was prepared. It was white in color. I can't tell if it was crab meat, lobster meat, or jellyfish meat. I ate it anyway. It felt like eating rice, they both had the same flavor. I don't know if I wanted to forget about being here. This is possibly the chance of a lifetime. How many people can say that they have been at an underwater city and castle with merpeople? The only difference that I have with adventurers is that I won't be telling about this place to anybody. Because this is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me in my life.

I don't want my mind wiped and be sent back to a mother who can't decide what to do with my bully brother. After scarfing the food down, there was a shadow that sailed by. I got up and looked out my barred window. There were a few merpeople outside the city. They must be going about their normal business. I went back to sitting in my cell. I felt bad right now. Forgetting about being at Poseidonae or going back to a family that won't care about you. Then I realized something. The name of the city was the same name as the one given to me by my dead EA teacher while I had an adventure with the headless hippocampus rider. Then I remembered something about a battle. A moment later, the guards returned. The cell door was opened. One guard took away the empty food tray. The guard that I recognized from before brought along a silver box. I didn't know what to make of it. "I hoped you like your breakfast. But you must take a mint. It's going to help clean your mouth, teeth, and give you a great breath that everybody in Poseidonae would want to smell." That's when the guard opened the box. He pulled on the latch and purple mints the size of mini shells were revealed. I took one and put it in my mouth. "Thank you." I told the guard. "You're welcome. You're the only prisoner who might get the luxury of using these mints. The only other people who are allowed to use them are the royal family. The princess is coming to have a word with you." The guard informed me. "Oh! So you aren't going to be making me forget about this place?" I questioned. "Don't push your luck sir. It's the princess who wanted you to get a mint. Just be sure to stand and bow before her." The guard advised. I moved the mint in my mouth. It soon melted away. A reflection of my smile could be seen on the silver box. I was impressed how there was a nice white smile on my face. I thought for a while after the guard left me and the cell door was closed. I wasn't sure what I was going to be telling the princess. I will have to explained everything to how I had been transformed back at Mrs. Darkblood's house. Then the guard came back. My cell door was opened up. "The princess is coming! Give her your respect!" The guard announced.

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