My new gift

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I didn't know what just happened. The tentacles helped me climb out of that cave basement. They also had me rush towards the front door. Then I turned around. The shaking continued. The tiny building rumbled. The materials that held the tiny house up started to fall and turn into dust. The ground shook for five more seconds after that. Then everything was still. I tried to understand what were those tentacles that helped me. I looked around, but there was no sign of them. I even had my arms feel my back. I was hoping that I would be able to feel something slimy or something with suction cups on my back someplace. It turns out that there wasn't anything there. My backpack could be found on the ground next to the bicycle shed. It turns out that the reflective vest was inside it. I put it on. Then I walked with my bike to the end of the walkway. I looked down both ends. There was a little bit of sun that was giving a little bit of light. I pedaled my way home. I rode past the businesses next to the beach. The only thing I saw people doing is staying home.

I managed to get home alright. I brought my bicycle to the bicycle shed. Then I put my helmet and reflective clothing inside. I found Mom standing next to the stairs. "How is your supper at Mrs. Darkblood's house?" She interrogated. "It was fine Mom." I answered. "Did you see any snakes or small crabs on the way to or from the EA teacher's house?" She questioned. "Sorry Mom. I don't know if I ever saw a snake or a crab on my way home." I replied. I went up to my room after I talked to Mom. I sat down in my room for the rest of the night. It was untouched. I tried to make sense of what happened to me. What did the sea witch do to me that made these tentacles appear on my back? Did Mrs. Darkblood intended to put me to sleep just so she could cook and eat me? These questions lingered in my mind until it was time for bath. I was thankful that our house had a deep well. That way, we can take a bunch of baths without having to pay the water bill like they do in town. I was the first to have a bath. I relaxed inside the bathtub. Then I could feel strange in different parts of my body. Then I noticed something appear from behind me. It was the tentacles! They were changing between different shades of blue. The tentacles held themselves in the air while wiggling a little. I felt like closing my eyes. Then there was a tentacle that came close to me. It covered my eyes. I tried to push the tentacle off my eyes. I just wanted it to come off. Just like that, the tentacle that was held against my eyes had came off. The suction cups on the tentacle had gently come off. Then I wondered if the tentacles could make some circles. All eight tentacles held themselves in front of me. They all made some perfect circles. I slowly turned my head towards my back.

It turns out that the tentacles that have appeared in the bathtub with me were coming from my back. Then I could feel my legs becoming funny. I wasn't sure if I was slowly becoming sick or what. I tried to lift up my legs. Though the only thing that came out of the water was a big fishtail. What was interesting was that this tail had some light blue, dark blue, and some regular blue scales on it. The tail gently sank back into the tub. I just realized something else. It turns out that whatever this potion of the Dark Chosen was, must have turned me into this! I didn't want my family members to know that I was taking up their bath time. That's when I decided to do everything that can be done in the bathtub. Then I tried to get myself sitting on the bathtub edge. I slowly swiveled my tail out from the bathtub. There were some drops of water that landed on the foot towel. I felt amazed by what I was seeing. It was like I was a part of the sea itself. That made me get the idea that I can tell Mom that a person at school would need my help. Instead of helping that person out, I can go to a place on the island where nobody would think to look. Then I can dive into the water and use my new merman tentacle form. Those thoughts were nice, but I needed to change back into a human somehow. I started to dry off the wetness that was on my tail. Then I noticed a transformation occurring. The fish scales melted away. My regular human skin took the scales' place. I stood up from the bathtub's edge. The tentacles were still around. I picked up the only available towel and went up to the bathroom mirror. I had my back facing it. The tentacles had themselves pointing at the tiled floor. I saw eight spots on the back where the tentacles attached themselves to. Then I used the towel on myself. I didn't notice the tentacles going away anytime soon. I wanted the tentacles to disappear somehow. The tentacles started slowly retreating. I looked back at the mirror. The tentacles were retreating into my back.

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