Underwater giant

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I missed Nixie after she left with her guardians. I guess its not so bad since she said she'll be back. Linus has told me that he misses Nixie too. The good news is, that life seems to be perfect for me. I rode with my brothers to school. Leander hasn't caused any trouble yet. I tried to focus hard at school. Afterwards, I took Linus for a bicycle ride. Leander came out from his school with a grin. I didn't like the look of that grin. It makes me think that he's up to something mischievous. Leander rode on his own back home. I was happy to ride with Linus around the island. We did manage to see a few small white crabs on the side of the road. They crawled onto the pavement. We just passed them while we bicycled. There were some snakes that were slithering on the side of the road. Linus and I made sure to avoid them too.

Finally, we arrived back at the house. Mom was back from work. Leander was on the other side of the bicycle road. I still can't tell what he's so happy about. Leander was helping Mom out with the supper. My little brother and I set the table. Just then, the entire house shook. There were three more tremors that could be felt. "Was that an earthquake?" Linus queried. After the tremors had stopped, I gave an answer. "I don't think so Linus. It could be an underwater volcano. I don't know if the water is still calm outside." After the supper was served, Mom gave us an announcement. "I do have some important news. Leander isn't going to Sandy Smiles Village. We just have to keep a closer eye on him. Besides, I can't imagine a life without him. He could be a big help in the house." My heart sank as I heard those words. I thought that I was going to be having nightmares again. "Mom, is it okay for Leo and I to bicycle by ourselves after school?" Linus questioned. "Sure. You just have to remember to take Leander with you." Mom advised. Linus looked at me. "Mom, I'm not sure if I would like to go on a bike ride with Leander. He causes problems for us. He's a bully." I described. Leander's expression started to change. He got up from where he was sitting. The seafood risotto he had was left uneaten in front of him. He walked over to where I was sitting. Mom just watched. That's when he pushed my head into my plate of risotto. Then I heard the sound of Leander screaming. "Leander! Stop!" Linus pleaded. Leander stared back at him. He was enraged. Then he held his knife over his head. "Leander! STOP THIS!" Mom scolded. Leander didn't seem to hear her. I tried to use my hands to push my face out of the risotto. Leander was ready to strike one of my hands with his knife. "Leander please." Linus pleaded. "DO YOU WANT TO BE IN JAIL?!" Mom demanded. Leander looked at me with an angry face.

Then I heard the sound of some footsteps. Leander was gently moved away from me. I lifted my face from my plate. "NOW SIT DOWN!" Mom shrieked. Leander yelled back in retaliation. Mom tried to grab the knife away from him. Eventually, Leander sat down and stared at his plate. Mom took the knife and left it in the dishwasher. She walked back to her plate of risotto. "Go eat your supper." Mom ordered with a normal tone. That's what we all did. I felt mad at Leander. I felt like punching him. "Leo. I have to talk to you in your room." Mom conveyed.

I ate the rest of my risotto. I had some of my milk with it. After we finished eating, Leander stood above where I was sitting. He screamed at me. That made Linus jump. "Leander! Go to your room!" Mom hollered. Leander walked away. Linus walked away as well. I was alone with Mom. We both put our dishes away. That's when she got me to walk to my room. Once inside, Mom had closed the door. We both sat on the edge of the bed. "Now you see why I don't like Leander. He's a bully. I wish that he would stop or just go away. Why does he always try to hurt Linus and I?" I stated. "He tried to hurt Linus?" Mom pumped. "Yes. He told me about it. I was looking forward to Leander being at Sandy Smiles Village just because that I don't have to worry about his bullying." I reasoned. "Leo. I know how you feel. But you shouldn't leave your brother out. That's not nice." Mom implied. "So is hurting and bullying others. He needs to be sent away." I rendered. "But he could still be a part of this family. Its tough ever since Dad died. We have to work with what we got." Mom pronounced. "What's going to happen to Leander when he's an adult? If he hurts Linus or I, we could just have him sent away for good. He shouldn't be yelling and hurting others!" I argued. Then I could hear the sound of Leander screaming from another room. Mom got up. "Wait here. And don't move." She ordered. After shouting at Leander, Mom came back a few seconds later. She told me that Leander will not a problem in the future. She advised that I shouldn't be saying bad things about Leander. After finishing her conversation with me, she walked away. I worked on my homework. I can't believe my mother. Then again, I have something that will make Leander not bother me again. I was the second to have a bath that same night. I couldn't stop thinking about Leander. I am worried that he might try to do something horrible to me. My tentacles helped me with the soap and the shampoo.

Unnatural Multiverse Book 6Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora