Flourishing friendship

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After that weekend, nothing exciting happened until Wednesday. That's when there some news that was shared by the teacher. He wanted us to have some permission sheets signed by the parents. Because on Monday next week, we are going to the palm tree farm located on the Theta island. Nixie talked to me as we were leaving school. "How are things going with your Dad? You mentioned that he doesn't stay a lot." Nixie adduced. "Yes. He's a sailor. You never know when he is going to be in next. It could take weeks or months." I answered. Leander and Linus were unlocking their bicycle locks. "I hope you get that permission form filled in. I think it's going to be an interesting field trip." Mrs. Oceania implied. "I'll try." I promised. I managed to get home without any problems. It was Dad who brought us back home. He asked each of us what we learned at school.

Leander said nothing. Linus told him that he was working on his school work as hard as he could. I informed Dad about the trip that was going to be happening on Wednesday. That made him feel interested. When we got home. I showed him the permission slip. He thought that I should give the outing a try. When Mom came home, Dad told her to go up to my room. I showed her the permission slip. She took a deep breath. Then she walked over and signed the permission slip. During the start of supper, both parents announced important news. Dad was going to be on another sailing trip. That he wouldn't be back until February. All of us held our breaths. My siblings said nothing. I felt sad deep down. I won't be able to see my father for some time. The time that Dad left the island was Friday morning, when we were going to school. I took the opportunity to give my Dad a big hug. In fact, my other siblings both gave him some hugs. We both went to park our bicycles. Leander and Linus looked out to the water. We watched as Dad was walking towards the small boat. The motor started to run. Dad waved goodbye to us as the boat was pushed off the sand. Then I saw Nixie and Mrs. Oceania. I explained to them the situation. "I hoped you said goodbye to him." Mrs. Oceania contended. "I did. I did get that permission slip signed." I revealed. "So did I." Nixie divulged. When the school bell rang, we immediately gave the teacher our permission slips. In fact, everybody that was in the class gave the teacher their signed permission slip. The students felt excited to go on a trip to visit another island. The only people who might be lucky enough to visit the other islands would be the sailors or the explorers. It was then I discovered that we were going to be staying for two nights on the island.

At first I felt nervous about it. Then I realized it's a perfect opportunity to get away from Linus and Leander. Even though those two brothers might have toned down, they don't seem to understand how troublesome they could be. Just as school was ending, I was leaving the school building with my classmates, then I could hear the sound of somebody yelling. Leander was trying to punch somebody. Though the person he was trying to punch kept his distance. Some of Leander's classmates knocked him to the ground. They held him against the hard asphalt surface. My big brother could only yell angrily. Nixie saw the group of students. She asked the other students from the middle school what was going on. They told her what they had seen. Then Nixie came over to where I was. I told her that it was Leander who had gotten into trouble. The principal from the school came near Leander. Mom came over to pick us up and let us into the house. Then she saw the crowd of students. I explained to her what had happened. Linus only observed from where his bicycle was parked. Mrs. Oceania could only shake her head as she watched the group of high school students breaking up. The principal got Leander to stand up again. Mom walked over to the school principal. He gave her the bad news. Mom stared at Leander angrily. Though she was pretty upset deep down. Then Mrs. Oceania interrupted. "Is it okay if Nixie and I rode home with Leo?" Mom nodded. "Please take Linus with you. I need to talk to Leander alone." Linus soon unlocked the bicycle lock on his bike. "Let's go Linus and Leo." Mrs. Oceania insisted. Linus was third in line while I was last. We all managed to make it home. "I can't let you inside. So you will have to look out for your mother when she gets back." The EA teacher informed. "I can't wait for that outing to the Theta island." Nixie mentioned with excitement. "I can't wait for it either. Thanks for bringing us home." I conveyed. "That's what good neighbors are for." Mrs. Oceania responded. Both neighbors rode away. Linus stared out at the line of palm trees that separated the road from the sand on the other side. "Are you staring at the palm trees Linus?" I interrogated. "No. I'm sorry Leo." Linus admitted. We got our bicycles to lean next to the bicycle shed. After a while later, Mom came home with Leander. The bicycle shed was opened, and we got our bicycles inside. The family went inside the house. I helped Mom out with cooking the supper. We were eating scallops tonight. Leander sat by himself in the living room. Linus was setting the table. I was looking at Mom's face as she cooked. She had one tear came out from her left eye.

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