Darkness of the tentacles

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It had been three days since I was living in Poseidonae after the attack. In that time, there haven't been any sign of the sharkpeople attacking. Nixie was nice to have me come with her for walks. Actually, it was more like swimming across paths people would normally walk on. I didn't mind that at all. Though the king and queen has not allowed us to leave the city. I guess that was understandable. When I was going to sleep or wake up, my tentacles would turn black. In five seconds, I would think about scaring or hurting the sharkpeople. That the ghost of my former EA teacher might possess me so that I can do these things. After a while, I decided to tell Mrs. Oceania and Nixie what's happening. "I don't think that's good Leo." The guardian stated. "Maybe we should ask the soothsayer?" Nixie suggested. "Maybe we should ask your parents first?" I queried. When it was time for lunch, I told the royal parents my problem. "You're saying that the sea witch that made this potion that turned you into the Dark Chosen is trying to take over your body?" The king pumped. "Yes your majesty. I don't want to think about what's going to happen if we don't take care of it." I urgently uttered.

After lunch, Nixie took me to see the soothsayer. The soothsayer was dressed in a light blue robe. The robe had the symbol of trident in front. There was also pictures of horses, and earthquake motion patterns sewn into the robe. There was a hood that covered her head, except for her face. The soothsayer's eyes were different from each other. One of the eyes was green, though the other one was dark blue. She told me about what was going to happen to me. "Have no fear. The dark force trying to control your body will leave it. For she will find a body among the sharkpeople and steal it." She mentioned. "That's good news. But when is that going to happen?" I pondered. "Do not listen to these lies. This is an inevitable outcome for you Leo." The voice of Mrs. Darkblood echoed in my mind. Then there was a dark aura that came over my body. My eyes turned black. Suddenly, the aura left after surrounding my body for about three seconds. "Leo?" Nixie gently questioned. "What happened? Did the ghost of the witch tried to control me again?" I grilled out of confusion. "Yes. Though she didn't have control over your body for long. For she will leave it and find a body among the sharkpeople." The soothsayer reminded my friend and I. My tentacles started to turn all black. That lasted for about two seconds, then they returned to their normal colors. "I can't believe this! The soothsayer must be lying. My power is still present in your body." The dead sea witch's voice echoed in my brain. "Hold on. You can't take me over yet. Maybe you might find a body among the sharkpeople." I divulged to Mrs. Darkblood in my mind. "Hee! Hee! Hee! Then I can use the most ferocious enemy in the sharkpeople army to finish you off once and for all." The sea witch disclosed in my mind. "Leo. How did Mrs. Darkblood; the sea witch, talk to you in your mind?" Princess Nixie queried.

I looked at her without giving her an answer. I looked towards the soothsayer. I hoped that she might have an answer for us. "The dastardly villain did more then just create a potion. The Dark Chosen must undergo some bad decisions along the way. Unfortunately, listening to the sea witch is one of the effects of being the Dark Chosen. The result did manage to revive her mind and spirit. Though she lacks a body to control. I'm afraid that she will challenge you with the body of the sharkperson that she finds first." The soothsayer answered. Nixie looked at me with some worry. "There must be something we can do. I don't want to listen to that mean lady ever again." I insisted. "Mean? I was a nice lady. I only was nice to you and Gaby. I forced Gaby to follow myself home to my lair. Where I did what I can to survive." The sea witch asserted in my mind. "As I told you young man, you won't have to worry about her for much longer. For soon, she will find a worthy body to possess among the sharkpeople. If I have another prediction for you, is that you will have to face that mean sea witch again." The soothsayer advised. Holding my hand, Nixie finished the rest of our break before going back to her room for tutoring. I smiled at Nixie as we came to her room. Mrs. Oceania was waiting for us. She taught us until we had a short break and then it was time for supper. Four of my tentacles changed colors. They changed to black for three seconds. Then they reverted back to their regular bluish colors. The king asked me how my visit to the soothsayer was. I told them that the former EA teacher wasn't going to be possessing my body for much longer. For three seconds after, three of my tentacles changed from their normal colors to a black color. Then they immediately reverted back. "The soothsayer told Leo that the spirit of the sea witch will leave his body." Nixie revealed. "Splendid. That's one less problem to worry about." The queen observed.

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