Chapter 8 - Rendez-vous

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With a serene smile adorning my lips, I entered his classroom, gently pushing the door ajar. However, the moment I stepped inside, my expression swiftly shifted from tranquility to sheer astonishment.

"What are you doing? What is happening here?" I inquired, my gaze falling on his swift packing of potion vials into a travel bag.

He barely glanced my way, his concentration undivided as he continued his task, brows furrowed. "The Ministry of Magic summoned me. I must leave urgently."

A sense of déjà vu enveloped me, and it felt as if my throat constricted. I hastened towards him, placing my hand on his bag to compel him to look at me.

He sighed and raised his eyes to meet mine. His demeanor was devoid of anger; instead, it conveyed annoyance and sadness. "Why? Why do you have to go? They can't just summon you like that. You're a professor here at Hogwarts, and the students need you... I... I need you."

"I know," he replied, swallowing hard, his gaze, gentle and caring, locking with mine, which was beginning to blur with the tears of fear I was holding.

"Will you come back?" I inquired, touching his arm. Instantly, his eyes smoldered with intensity.

Ignoring my question, he gently pushed my hand away from his bag to add the potions he held and seal it. Then, he lifted the bag and started heading towards the door.

"Wait... no. Answer me! Professor...." I rushed forward and reached the door before him, promptly closing it and positioning myself in front of it.

"Don't start, Katie... I don't have time for it today." His tone was resolute but not menacing.

"Please, don't leave me again... the last time you had to go—"

"It's not the same this time, Katie, trust me," he reassured with a faint smile, his thumb brushing my cheek. Yet, his countenance betrayed another layer of emotion, his features were tense and closed.

"What do you have to do there?" I inquired, clutching his arm again as he attempted to open the door.

His reaction was immediate; he dropped his bag to the floor and encircled my waist, his lips crushing mine passionately. I placed my hands behind his neck and reciprocated his kiss, my heart racing and warmth flooding my belly.

"Oh Merlin..." I moaned between kisses. He silenced me by delving his tongue into my mouth and drawing me closer to him, guiding me towards the nearest potion station. There, he lifted me to sit atop it, and my hands roamed his chest as he caressed my breast.

"Please don't stop..." I pleaded as he daringly approached the buttons of my shirt. I wrapped my legs around his waist to keep him as close as possible, and I moaned against his lips when his cool hand touched my bare breast.

Abruptly, he withdrew from my lips and descended towards my chest, planting a trail of kisses until his tongue encountered my nipple, starting to circle it. I pressed my hand against the back of his head and arched my back, desire smoldering within me like scorching embers.

Unfortunately, our moment faded almost as quickly as it had come when someone knocked on the office door. "Aesop, can I enter?" came the voice from outside.

I reluctantly released my legs from their embrace around his waist and hastily buttoned up my shirt, even though my trembling hands made the task challenging. His gaze remained fixed on my breasts until the last button was fastened, and then he helped me down from the potion station.

"Come on in," he stated with a firm tone, regrets and deception visible in his eyes. One last time, I let my hand glide over his chest before the door opened. Then I started to clean a cauldron on the station next to me, to justify my presence here, this late on the evening.

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