Chapter 9 - Resentment

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Wormwood, lavender, chamomile – all these ingredients were used to brew the dreamless sleep potions. Furrowing my brows, I annoyingly noticed that these darned pots were completely empty. I poured myself a glass of whiskey and resolved to give her a piece of my mind about notifying me earlier in the future when she depleted my stocks.

And what was happening in the Hospital Wing? I had enough supplies to make nearly 60 dreamless sleep potions, how had they all been used up in just a month? Back in Madam Blainey's time, such a stock would last at least three months, with very few students coming to request them, and their troubles often resolved quickly with the use of anti-stress potions.

I placed the stock management report back in the top drawer of my desk and stood up, opening the door to my office for the fifteenth time that morning.

She still wasn't there.

I pulled my pocket watch out impatiently, 8:50 AM. She was going to be late for the start of the class. Ironically, I had initially not wanted her to come, but now, I found myself eagerly desiring her to cross the threshold.

Heading back to my desk, I took another sip of whiskey and licked my lips, savoring the warmth it sent down my throat. It wasn't my usual practice to drink alcohol in the morning, but since her return, all my routines had been disrupted. I hadn't even managed to sleep through the night.

Despite the effectiveness of her treatment, which had eliminated all the pain in my leg, I couldn't bring myself to retire to bed. All night, I had replayed the brief moments she had spent with me. The softness of her hands and the precision of her movements as she applied the treatment had entranced me.

Closing my eyes, I could still see the delicate fabric that covered her breasts as she knelt before me. If I didn't have so much restraint and professional ethics, I could have taken her right there on the floor, breaking down all my barriers and succumbing to my desires.

The opening of the classroom door abruptly brought me back to reality. I set my glass on my desk and hurried to open the door to my office once more.

"You're late," I declared, crossing my arms as she removed her witch's cape, hanging it on a hook near the door.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry; I had trouble waking up after my night shift," she replied coldly.

She looked stunning today, her long auburn hair neatly braided and pinned up in a bun at the back of her head. Her attire, simple and understated, consisted of a black jacket and a matching long skirt.

Turning toward me, she placed her hands on her hips. "So, do I have time to look at your injury?" She inquired, approaching me with a hesitant step.

I quickly shook my head. "No, the students will be here any time soon."

"Okay," she sighed, moving closer to my desk. She walked past me without meeting my gaze, but I could smell her fragrance as she brushed her arm against mine.

Turning toward her, I raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

She immediately stopped rummaging in the cabinet of my desk. "Did you restock lavender? I've completely run out for my potions."

I chuckled, "Yeah, I noticed that in your report."

"What's so funny?" She crossed her arms over her chest, visibly annoyed.

"I had a three-month supply of plants for dreamless sleep potions," I pointed out as I approached her, placing my hands on her shoulders to turn her towards my potion cabinet.

She shivered under my touch but didn't flinch. I pointed out a small vial that still held enough ingredients to make about ten potions. It was my private reserve, which I kept for emergencies.

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